Navy Nursery Swag: Dark Blue Baby Room Eye Candy
Navy Nursery Swag: dark blue baby room eye candy.
Dreaming of a navy blue baby room?
Here’s 9 examples to feast your eyes on and get decorating ideas.
Just in case you’re expecting a baby
and you’ve got your heart set on navy for the nursery,
we’ve got a post big on pictures with all the latest baby room swag. In navy.
(To cover our bases, whenever you purchase something for your baby’s use, make sure it meets all the modern safety requirements. We would never want to recommend anything that could cause harm.)
Navy Nursery Swag
1. Modern and Minimal Navy Blue Nursery
Baby Liam is styling in his navy board-and-batten wall with gold accents.
The mostly white with skinny lines is a perfect complement to all the dark.
I see a white crib. OK. M-m-maybe I’d have chosen gray? What do you think? I love the gray chair, and a gray bed? I think yes.
Now the plant is okay when Liam is in the crib, but if I were him, I’d tear it up as soon as I had a chance. That space needs a shelf with gray striped baskets full of toys. Agree?
But the light fixture? Big yes from me.

Navy Stationery to Keep to Theme
Keep the navy theme going throughout the arrival
of your little one with our own designed stationery!

2. The Moon and The Stars Navy Nursery
Who wouldn’t love to go to sleep every night dreaming of jumping cows and running spoons???
I love it. Do you agree that there’s nothing to criticize in this room?
And I’m simply dreaming hard that’s a baby girl in the bed, because so many navy rooms are for boys. We have to have at least one for a girl. Am I right?

Navy Stationery Suite Continued
Announce the new adventure for your family
with this Navy Adventure card.

3. Navy and Chrome Baby Room
Another perfect 10 on a scale of one to ten.
Board and batten. Check. Chrome mirror to match chrome baby and picture frames. Check.
Checked bedding. Check.
Lots of checks here.
Only uncheck for me? That monkey looks too scary.

4. Deer and Chevron Navy Nursery
Simply love the bed so much.
The dark, dark navy with the wood chevrons? So perfect.
And every mama dreams of window seats like that beside huge dream inspiring windows for their children.
But I’m afraid, this is another boy’s room, isn’t it?

5. Orange and Navy Nursery
Finally, a bright color with the navy. Like it?
The little riding, er, horse?, with the orange rockers is a perfect finish.
I love the lamp, the crib, the rug, the pictures.
What do you love?

6. Polar North Gray with Navy Baby Room
This picture is hard on the eyes, but it is an ad for the bedding, so let’s focus on that.
Because the curtains? Well, I don’t wanna talk about them. What kind would you put in?
The color of the wall is the A10 perfect gray in my paint chip books. So warm and cozy.
And yes, the bedding is pretty chill.

7. Mountain Peaks and Woodsy Dreams
Which baby room ever has a blanket ladder? Isn’t that the neatest idea? Do you think it’s a ladder to keep up the climbing theme?
Because baby will need help climbing away from all the scary bears.
Love the rustic monogram and the retro dresser.
Yep. What number do you think on the scale? A 9.5555?

8. Carter’s Navy and Elephant Nursery
Don’t you love how the bed and the name on the wall match exactly?
And the white bead board wainscoting!!! Love it.
I think Mama is surely saving up for a different chair and ottoman, but I could be wrong.
Maybe the comfort level makes up for the looks.

9. Number Nine Navy Nursery
I’m pretty sure this isn’t for a girl, either.
But it is pretty sweet, isn’t it? Love the wall sconces. The sign. The car.
What else do you love?