‘Ink Re-Cap 156. Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 156.
Random Sketches and Scribbles
about Thanksgiving, and when you’re not feeling it.
Are you excited about Thanksgiving?
Do you love the part that makes you stop and be thankful for what we have: our God, our country, our freedoms, and the mostly easy way we can go about living our first-world lives?
Or do you love the part that brings families together to eat special food? And signifies the beginning of the best month and week of the year? I read that there is no meal that unifies America like the menu for Thanksgiving. Turkey and pumpkin pie. I’m on with the pie, but I can do without turkey. Sorry. That’s just me. And my little family.
Whether you eat turkey or not, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

‘Ink Re-Cap 156: Our Week on the Blog
Using Today’s Trendy Dried Flowers in Bridal Shower Décor
Newspaper Inspired Baby Stationery: Share Your News
Christmas Peony Holiday Planner Album – I love this new design!!
A How-to: Make Thick Paper From Recycled Scrap Paper – this one hasn’t happened yet. This is the research. According to my husband it’s a lost cause. He’s protecting me, you see. From more failure, I think.
The Great Exodus Lesson 3: The Plagues Begin. – our Church children love these lessons!

‘Ink Re-Cap 156 Search Engine Spotlight:
This is the post of the week:
How to Regain Your Sense of Smell after Covid
The Covid pandemic just goes on and on. And more and more people report taste and smell loss. Mine still is not right, after almost a year.
I haven’t given the essential oil method a serious try, but people who have say it works. So give the post a read, and let us know if you try it.

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
* means it’s an affiliate link. If you purchase an item through the link we get recognition for sending you over to Amazon. As if they need any help, but there you have it. They like us better if we do that, even though it doesn’t change any prices. Links without an asterisk mean they are not affiliate.
Christmas Sale!!!
It is 36 days until Christmas Day 2021!
It’s time for making lists and planning menus and… addressing your Christmas Cards.
And so we’ve created our
First Annual/Pre-Black Friday/Holiday Hullabaloo
Yes, we’re excited. Use the golden link to see all the Christmas we are discounting for our special GIFTees. Which is you, if you signed up for our email list!

Inspiring Inklings of Real Life
The World Outside Our Work Window
We had a very disappointing week outside our work window.
You probably remember Kim applied for SSI, help from the government to supplement her finances since she can’t work a regular job.
We just got the letter yesterday, and it threw all of us for a loop. Not a good loop. The resulting drama made my pain level skyrocket, and sometimes it feels as if I can’t take deep breaths. We’re finding out SSI might not ever happen for her, because she doesn’t have enough distressing medical history. Not enough hospitalizations, not enough all out breakdowns. I just wish we could convince them that the “little” breakdowns and constant stress and anxiety are almost breaking us all down over time.
But God is good, and this too shall pass. Please remember us in your prayers.
This is one of those times I think about my mother, and her ongoing battle with feeling inferior. She grew up in a dysfunctional home, and if it hadn’t been for her mother’s strong faith, my mother wouldn’t have been able to teach me her fix. She would notice when I was blue, and say I should list in my head, over and over, what I was thankful for.
I’m hoping by Thanksgiving I can be in the right frame of mind!
Book of the week:
“Against Medical Advice”*
Amazon’s blurb:
In this inspiring true story, a child struggles with Tourette’s syndrome-and overcomes extraordinary challenges with the help of his loving parents.
Cory Friedman woke up one morning when he was five years old with the uncontrollable urge to twitch his neck. From that day forward his life became a hell of irrepressible tics and involuntary utterances, and Cory embarked on an excruciating journey from specialist to specialist to discover the cause of his disease. Soon it became unclear what tics were symptoms of his disease and what were side effects of the countless combinations of drugs. The only certainty is that it kept getting worse. Simply put: Cory Friedman’s life was a living hell.
Against Medical Advice is the true story of Cory and his family’s decades-long battle for survival in the face of extraordinary difficulties and a maddening medical establishment. It is a heart-rending story of struggle and triumph with a climax as dramatic as any James Patterson thriller.
This book had me weeping more than once. The story is so heart wrenching, and speaks so much to our life with autism and mood disorder. We sometimes wonder what meds do, and if they actually help or hinder. But it’s so dicey to play with what works reasonably well.
Our children’s book pick, because it’s Thanksgiving:
“Llama, Llama Gives Thanks“*
by Anna Dewdney, 2017
Llama, Llama books are so fascinating, and though I haven’t read this one, I know I can recommend it.
Amazon: In Llama Llama Gives Thanks, it’s Thanksgiving time for Llama Llama and his family! That means yummy foods and autumn leaves and being thankful for everything from pumpkin pies to blue skies. Thanksgiving may only come once year, but in Llama’s family, giving thanks is always here!
With short and simple rhyming text, the Llama Llama board books introduce Llama Llama to babies and toddlers before they’re ready for longer full-length stories. And their small size and durable pages are perfect for little hands.
Llama Llama Gives Thanks was one of Anna’s final projects before she passed on in 2016. Her love of language, playful sensibility, and ability to entertain and comfort young children are evident in all of her books.
According to my chocolate Advent calendar there are only 3 days until Christmas.
Random Factoid:
For more than 60 years, Sunbeam bread, a product of the Quality Bakers of America, has changed its marketing just after Thanksgiving to add an image of Little Miss Sunbeam bowing her head in prayer. The caption, a quote from Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:4, reads “Not By Bread Alone.” This special packaging marks the company’s long tradition of reflecting on the holidays. Read more…
Inspiring Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote.
Corrie Ten Boom.
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