‘Ink Re-Cap 135 Sketches and Inklings of Our Week
‘Ink Re-Cap 135.
Sketches and inklings of our week.
Messy mailings, lost items, changing over to a new phone.
Not my favorite 7 days ever.
This is what I said last week:
We L-O-V-E this time of year!
And it’s true, but…
not when things go missing, your schedule gets re-manipulated out of control,
and then, in the midst of all that, I change over to a new phone.
I’d been putting off the phone change for over a month.
My patient husband finally tired of hearing me complain about a phone that died every little bit for no good reason, except that it got too tired, I guess. He ordered a new one, and then he couldn’t get me to switch over.
Do you hate switching phones? Phones, computers, fridges, microwaves. You name it. I don’t like to learn a new appliance.
Rant over. I’ve recovered most of my lost-into-cyber-space messages and orders, and now we’ll move on with…
Hey, how was your week?
Was it the first week of your littles’ summer vacation? Lazy days, sleeping in, playing in the pool.
Ahh, summer.
I remember those days of having the school year over and breathing the air of freedom.
‘Ink Re-Cap 135 Sketches and Scribbles
Here’re the blog offerings of the week.
Mama, Butter Your Bread, Because Baby Will Keep
Bacon Infused Baked Beans: Summer Grilling’s Best Side
Father’s Day Memory Gift Personalized DIY Ideas
Can You Celebrate Your Hardest Day and Call It Good?
(I’m pretty sure the last post was inspired by my five hardest days this week.)
Saturday’s Scary Dreams
I don’t seem to learn that sleeping in doesn’t pay. I wake up groggy, in the midst of The Scariest Dream Ever.
This morning, oh, this morning.
Dare I admit what I slammed through this morning in my late non-rem sleep? Because it absolutely reveals one of my worst living nightmares.
The last few weeks, okay, months, have been non-stop VBS factory with a few hours of sleep in between. (I’m planning to call the government department responsible for monitoring work times after this. Because no one is paying us overtime!) So in my sweet sleep, suddenly I am frantically picking up a house I never lived in. I recognized parts of it, but the heaps and heaps of trash weren’t mine. Were they? My neatest freak friend was with me and I kept making excuses for the mess. Meanwhile, looking for something I couldn’t find that we needed to take along wherever we were going. Then a child went missing in the chaos. Finally, we found the child, and were late for our staff baseball game, which we ended up not attending because
the car was too full of people who wanted to come along and we didn’t have enough seatbelts???
I’m sorry, but a day-mind couldn’t dream this up. And yes, that’s what my basement VBS factory looked like before I dug myself out of it. And put stuff away, no doubt never to find something I need again.
Except for one thing I did find in the mental and physical mess. Sigh.
‘Ink Re-Cap 135 most read posts:
Again we noticed that with the month being June,
wedding posts are getting traffic. This week it’s a Cricut tutorial
Love Wedding Card Tutorial Using Cricut Design Space
Next in line was Footed Riser Board DIY for a Personalized Wedding Gift .
Love the thought that people are finding our tutorials helpful.
There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about.
The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Top Sellers This Week
Besides packing and shipping more VBS boxes, we got special orders for a baby calendar and hand-painted watercolor invitations for a 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Having variety in our work makes the time pass quickly.
We stepped into our seamstress job this week, too. A friend came to be fitted for a bespoke pattern. We were starting from scratch, as she buys all her dresses and didn’t have any pattern at all.

Inspiring Inklings of the Best Life
Teaching VBS. Specifically The Exodus.
I’m on a chat with some truly amazing people who put their heart into their teaching.
Their ideas are genius and their students must love Bible School.
If I ever teach about the Exodus, I want this, and this, this, and for sure this.
And so much more. These girls have lots of ideas to DIY your own props, too, which I will ask if I can share here sometime.
Inspiring Book: “Journey Through the Creation Museum” by Answers in Genesis
I need this book.
Partly to study up on the facts of the VBS Creation Book we’re working on,
and partly to get ready for going to Cincinnati to see it.
We’ve tried to go for 2 years, and this fall, hopefully, we can make it happen. We want to go when we can see the lovely fall scenery.
Punctuation, Authors, and Writing
Our totally useless factoid for the week.
Summer is bird watching time for many people, so if you want to study a common bird thief, this is what you feed it.
This is the children’s book you need to learn to identify its song.
Inspiring Quote
Get the fridge quote when you sign up to download it here. (Say “get Quote 135.”)