‘Ink Re-Cap 126 and Inklings of God’s Greatest Gift
‘Ink Re-cap 126:
Happy Easter to all!
Hallelujah, Christ is Risen!
This week our Inklings focus
on this greatest gift God gave to all mankind.
‘Ink Re-Cap 126
Here’s the links for our week’s posts:
Monday (Wedding): Love is Patient and Kind, A True Love Story
Tuesday (Baby): Sweeter Than Honey Printables for Bee Themed Nursery
Wednesday (Kitchen): My Aunt’s Pineapple Glaze for Easter Baked Ham
Thursday (Children’s Crafts): 10 Spring Chick Crafts Plus a Bonus Pop-Up Card DIY
Friday (Children’s Bible Lesson): God Created the Light: Creation Bible Lesson for Children
New Products this week:
As always, our email GIFTEEs get 15% off with any purchase.
Use the code GIFTEE15 to get your discount.
Coral Botanical Wreath Sympathy Card
with the same “Grief…” quote as our best-selling Magnolia Wreath Sympathy Card.
God Created Light Lesson 2: Children’s Bible Story
Get this lesson free by using the Friday Post link and signing up for email membership,
or use this link to purchase a Printed Lesson Pack we send in the mail.
Most Viewed Post this week:
Amazingly Realistic Paper Succulent Wreath Tutorial
Easter Posts to re-visit this weekend:
Where is Jesus? Filling Our Hearts at Easter
5 Books for Easter Preparation for the Passion Weekend
Easter Week, An Interactive Story for Children
Vintage Easter Tag Tutorial Using Photoshop and Cricut
Mennonite Easter Bread My Grandma’s Way
The inklings of the greatest Story we want to share:
Our favorite story we heard this week, in a program my nephew’s family helped present before Easter.
These Bible scriptures, that I read, meditated on and let settle into my heart.
Read this timeline of the events in the week leading up to Easter. As you walk with Jesus that last week, and read the Gospels, you will have much to think about.
Kim made these bars this week, and they are seriously “musty.” The pan was empty after 2 days in this household of 3. Oops. (She used pie filling, and also put part of the crumb mixture on top.)
Last weekend our family had several guests, so we did a Hassayampa outing. I walked barefoot in the sandy river bottom for about half an hour, and came home with the smoothest feet ever! I’m calling it a spa walk.
Do you need a new hobby? Check out this artist’s medium. Amazing!
You need this book full of uplifting stories.
What will you do next week?
We have a few things on our list…
One of our projects involves a tool from this company. Come back Tuesday to see the fun.
Our quote of the week:

May your Easter weekend,
and coming week,
be blessed with the joy of