God’s Creation Lesson 10: God’s Gift to Mankind
God’s Creation Story Lesson 10:
When Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin,
God made a plan to crush Satan once and for all.
God sent the Gift of a Savior to Mankind.
When God called out to Adam to speak with him in the Garden of Eden
and Adam hid
God was very sad. He hoped Adam and Eve would choose to obey Him rather than Satan. God had to punish Adam and Eve, and send them out of the beautiful and peaceful Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had to work for their food and build their own place to live.
But God made a promise to them. He promised that He would make a way to crush Satan forever and ever. That plan was Jesus, a baby born in a manger, to become the Savior of mankind. Jesus can save us from our sins so we can win over Satan and his evil, and go to Heaven one day.
God’s Creation Story
Lessons in order:
The Beginning of God’s Creation: Children’s Bible Lesson
My Creation Book DIY: Children’s Bible Lesson Activity
Day 1 God Created the Light: Creation Bible Lesson
Light Activities for My Creation Book
Day 2 God Created the Firmament
God Created Land and Plants: Day 3 God’s Creation Story
Creation Story Day 4: Children’s Bible Lesson
God’s Creation Story Day 5: Fish and Birds
Creation Day 6: God Created Animals and Man
God’s Creation Day 7: Children’s Bible Lesson Printable
God’s Creation Lesson 9: The Garden of Eden
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God Rested in His Heaven
Scripture Verse Background: Genesis 3:15 and Luke 2
God’s Creation Story Lesson 10:
God loves all the things He created, and man most of all.
When Adam and Eve sinned and ate of the one tree God asked them not to, God had to punish them. He made them leave the wonderful, peaceful Garden of Eden He created just for them.
But God didn’t forget Adam and Eve. He didn’t make them leave the garden and never talk to them again. God said they would have to work hard, and life would never be easy. But God said He would forgive their sins if they offered their best offerings to him upon the altar.
And God promised to put Satan down. He said, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and they shall bruise your head.” God said He would provide a way to subdue Satan so man could be saved and go to Heaven.
And many years later God did just that. God sent a Savior for the whole world, so that all sin could be repented of and forgiven. Man did not have to make a fire and place offerings upon it to God. Because God sent the Savior for sins once and for always.
The Savior of Mankind is Born
God chose Mary to be the mother of the Savior, the baby Jesus. Mary and Joseph went on a long trip to Bethlehem to pay taxes to their king. When they were in Bethlehem baby Jesus was born in a stable. Joseph made a soft bed for the baby in a manger, and Mary wrapped him carefully in swaddling clothes before she placed him gently in the soft bed.
God sent angels to the shepherds to tell them Baby Jesus was born. They heard the stories about a Savior all their lives, and were amazed and full of wonder to hear the angels announce the birth of Jesus. They left their sheep on the hill and rushed to Bethlehem to worship their newborn King.
And far away in the East, three wisemen saw the star and knew what it meant. God fulfilled His promise to Adam and Eve so long ago, and the Savior was born. The Savior who would forever crush Satan under his heel, and bring salvation for all people.
Now everyone, you, me, and all our friends and families, can love Jesus as our Savior and be saved. Every wrong we do can be forgiven. God loves us so much, He will keep His promise to crush Satan.

God’s Creation Story Lesson 10
God’s Gift to Mankind Cover Page:
- The Bible Scripture to read for the story
- A glue in picture about the story
- A memory verse to learn
Page 2 and 3
- The Story with pictures
Page 4
- A picture to color
- Each lesson includes a suitable craft which develops the Lesson Idea in a textural way.
Extra Notes and Study Ideas
- Pages to add to “My Creation Book.”
- The Extra Notes, Songs, Activities and Questions are helpful for parents and teachers so you can create a more memorable learning experience.
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