God’s Creation Story Day 5: Fish and Birds
God’s Creation Story Day Five:
God created the Fish and Birds.
Day 5, Day 5, God made birds and fish alive!
Children’s Bible Lesson Printable with crafts included.
On Day 4 God created the sun to shine brightly during the day.
Then, when it gets dark, He made the moon and stars to shine in the night sky.
In today’s lesson, Day 5, God created all the living creatures in the waters,
and all the creatures that fly up in the sky.
God’s Creation Story
Lessons in order so far:
The Beginning of God’s Creation: Children’s Bible Lesson
My Creation Book DIY: Children’s Bible Lesson Activity
God Created the Light: Creation Bible Lesson
Day 1 Light Activities for My Creation Book
Lesson 3 God Created the Firmament
God Created Land and Plants: Day 3 God’s Creation Story
Creation Story Day Four: Children’s Bible Lesson
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God Created the Birds and Fish
And God said,
Let the waters bring forth abundantly
the moving creature that hath life,
and fowl that may fly above the earth
in the open firmament of heaven.
And God created great whales,
and every living creature that moveth,
which the waters brought forth abundantly,
after their kind,
every winged fowl after his kind:
and God saw that it was good.
And God blessed them, saying,
Be fruitful, and multiply,
fill the waters in the seas,
and let fowl multiply in the earth.
And the evening and the morning
were the fifth day.
God’s Creation Day 5:
On Day 5 God looked around at all He had made.
On the first day He created Light, and He called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.
On the second day of Creation God divided the waters. There was water below, and water above, and between the waters He put sky.
On Day 3 God moved the waters below into oceans, lakes and rivers by creating land. And everywhere on land He made plants to grow.
On Day 4 God created lights to divide night and day. He created the bright sun for the day, and moon and stars to light up the night.
God was happy with the things He created.
Now it was Day 5 and God was ready to create all the creatures that live in water, and all the creatures that fly in the air.

God filled the waters of the oceans with whales and dolphins and other large fish. Then He made smaller ocean creatures like octopus and clams and seahorses. He made lobsters and crabs and all the crawly ocean things.
Then He formed fish and other swimming creatures for the rivers and lakes. He created bass and trout and crawdads and many, many more swimming creatures.
And God said, “Let there be fowl that fly above the earth.” So He made seagulls, doves, pelicans, meadowlarks, crows, blackbirds and many, many more birds. He made bats and flies and mosquitoes and other creatures that fly in the sky.
Do you think you could name or count all the creatures of the waters and the air that God made on Day 5? The list would fill pages and pages of names. God is truly mighty, that He could create so much in one day!

God’s Creation Day 5 Printable
God Created Fish and Birds Cover Page:
- The Bible Scripture to read for the story
- A glue in picture about the story
- A memory verse to learn
Page 2 and 3
- The Creation Day 6 Story with pictures
Page 4
- A picture to color
- Each lesson includes a suitable craft which develops the Lesson Idea in a textural way.
Extra Notes and Study Ideas
- Pages to add to “My Creation Book.”
- The Extra Notes, Songs, Activities and Questions are helpful for parents and teachers so you can create a more memorable learning experience.

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