God Created the Light Activities for My Creation Book
God Created the Light Activities
for your “My Creation Book”
are additional studies to accompany
and complement the Bible story.
If you haven’t started the ten lesson series of God’s Creation Story, start here:
The Beginning of God’s Creation: Children’s Bible Lesson 1
My Creation Book DIY: Children’s Bible Lesson Activity
God Created the Light: Creation Bible Lesson 2
Today’s lesson follows or accompanies
Lesson 2: God Created the Light.

My Creation Book Activities for
God Created the Light Lesson 2
Page 1: Memory Verse
The memory verse activity can be used several ways.
- Make 2 copies of the page, and place one in your “My Creation Book” or
- Do the activities right on the page in the book.
If you choose to make two pages,
cut the Memory Verse box out and read and memorize the verse.
Then write the verse out on the lines.
Glue this box over the one in the book,
or do the one in the book also, and keep one for carrying around. Or place it in a prominent place (such as the fridge) as a reminder to say the verse often. This will help to commit it to memory for life.
Page 1: Day 1 Activity
As with the memory verse, make 1 or 2 copies.
Do one in the book, and one another day.
Or do the extra one and glue it into the book on top of the one in the book.
Color the number black or deep blue to look like the universe before creation.
Color one spot brighter to show God creating light.
Page 1: Path from Dark to Light
Find the open path from Dark to Light, and draw it in with a pencil.
Page 2: God Created the Light Puzzle
There are 2 copies of this page,
one with the instructions, and one without.
Place the page without the instruction into your “My Creation Book.”
Then cut the other puzzle out
and put it together on top of the puzzle in the book.
The puzzle in the book is a helpful guide for smaller hands.
Keep the puzzle in an envelope you glue to the back of the Puzzle Page in the Creation Book.

NOTE: These activities come along with the package when you purchase God Created Light Lesson 2.
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