‘Ink-Re-cap 307: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink-Re-cap 307: Random Sketches and Scribbles
about life in a tiny home-grown stationery shop.
Papers, riding lesson and The Ranch
Rainbow Acres Ranch
The day finally arrived to tour Rainbow Acres Ranch. Yesterday, Kim, her brother and SIL, dad and mom, 1 uncle and 2 aunts loaded into 2 cars to head up to Camp Verde.
It was a cold, blustery morning and by the time we neared the ranch, we saw snow on the ground here and there. And many snow covered peaks all around. But in the shelter of the ranch buildings, the sunshine soon turned it into a nice day.
Check out the Rainbow Acres website, and you’ll get a good picture of what we saw. I now recognize a lot of the people in the pictures. They invited us for lunch, which was buttered cod, crispy potato chunks, melon salad and/or coleslaw. There are about 12 big round tables in the dining room, which can also become an auditorium with a stage.
We were impressed.
A lovely copper-clad garden statue of the boy Jesus, holding a dove in outstretched hands, greeted us first thing.
Actually, that was after the girl singing and dancing to “The Sound of Music” twirled down the parking lot as we got out of our vehicles. She was a great welcoming committee of one!
Lots of sidewalks led us from building to building. Group homes. A huge craft and boutique building designed inside to look like different Western store fronts. There is a weaving room, a beading room, painting room, and stained glass garden stones room. Plus the boutique where all the crafts can be sold. After lunch we visited the horse barn and greenhouses. All the lettuce in their well-stocked salad bar came from the “winter” greenhouse.
We really liked what we saw. Great staff, friendly ranchers, and nicely designed and well-kept buildings.
I’m writing a report for our “advisors and supporters” group; if you’re interested in that I’ll be happy to email you a copy.

‘Ink Re-Cap 307:
Four posts this week:
The New Casually Elegant Cottagecore Wedding Aesthetic
How To Customize Linen Baby Outfits With Hand Embroidery
Herb Botanicals Vintage Prints For Kitchen Décor
How Would You Live Your Last Days on Earth?

Fun Freebies
Sweeter Than Honey Printables for Bee Themed Nursery
The Stress Free Simple Wedding Planner DIY
Minimalist Inspirational Nursery Prints Free Download

New Products
Herb Botanicals Vintage Kitchen Prints
Dried Florals Recipe Album for Your Family’s Favorites
Bond of Love Printables Set of 3 Marriage Bible Verses

And Coming Soon…
a DIY (and handmade cards) with real thread embroidery. I’m totally excited to try this. They’re going to be so fun. I won’t spill any more beans, but they’re going to include embroidery AND one (or maybe two) of my favorite hobbies!!!

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inklings of Real Life
Snow in the Sonoran
Last week I reported on the weather. I’m sorry to sound like a weather station, but this week couldn’t have been more different than last week. Instead of more desert flowers blooming, they may have curled up with frostbite! We actually had snow/sleet/ice sightings across the valley. Our snowbirds probably wondered if they’d fallen down some Alice in Arctic-land hole. Last week swimming, this week parkas and hoodies.
And lots of rain.
So tomorrow when we head north of town, out of this Sonoran Desert valley, we’ll likely get even colder weather.
Tomorrow is our appointment at Rainbow Acres… the place that could become Kim’s new home away from home. It’s hard to actually stop and think about the ramifications of that. Luckily this is just a “what-if” visit, to see if Kim likes them and if they like Kim. Well, I know they’ll like her. It’s more whether she’ll fit into their program. So next week you’ll hear the big report on what we discover in Camp Verde. Will it be a large part of our future, or will it be another dead end? We’re praying for the former, and ask you all to please join us in that.
Charlie Brown: Here’s something to think about. Life is like a 10 speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use.
Snoopy, flat on his back on the roof of his doghouse: He’s wrong. That isn’t something to think about!
‘Ink Re-Cap 307 Books of the week:
The titles link to Amazon.
Reach For A Rainbow
by Dr. Ralph K Showers
This is the story of the man behind Rainbow Acres, the Assisted Living camp we’re looking at for Kim. It’s inspirational and yet difficult to read. His journey took immense determination and most of us would have given up after the first acquisition of a barn. The same acquisition that cost him both arms! You can find the book on Amazon, but if you want a new paperback copy, get in touch with us. We’ll get you one through the camp.
Amazon says:
Ralph Showers (1936-2015) was an inspiring Arizonan who, despite losing his arms in a devastating accident, went on to achieve his dream of opening a ranch for developmentally disabled adults. Reach for a Rainbow is Ralph’s third autobiographical book, which describes the building of Rainbow Acres in 1973.
Titus, Comrade of the Cross
by Florence M Kingsley
In 1895 a publisher held a writing competition to find the best book that would inspire a child’s faith for Christ. Florence Kingsley submitted her manuscript for Titus: A Comrade of the Cross. In six weeks, 200,000 copies had been printed, which is incredible for that time. She later published two other works of Christian fiction: the sequel to her original entitled Stephen: A Soldier of the Cross, and the epic tale The Cross Triumphant.
Amazon description:
Titus is a young Greek living in Israel during the times of Jesus Ministry. He lives with his mother, a sorrowful but good woman; his father, a violent criminal; and his brother Stephen, a sweet young boy crippled from being beaten by his father while a baby. He has been trained to hate the Jewish people and their faith. But there is a secret about Titus background that he doesn’t know. When a Jewish Rabbi named Jesus changes the lives of some in his family how will he react? Already drawn into the violent life of his father is it too late for him? A sweet and sad story of redemption and eternal hope. Illustrated
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‘Ink Recap 307 Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote. This one is dedicated to Ben, the best horse trainer in the world that I know.
How To Get It:
Use this form and request Fridge Quote 307.

What a big change!! Prayers for you and Kim and fam as you take the next step ♡
Yes, it’s not easy to think of “big” changes. We were advised to think of this as a trial, taking one day at a time, so it isn’t so overwhelming. Also, the ranch is very accessible for visits, and for her to visit home. Yes, keep praying. We’re so thankful for that.