Wedding Budget Planner Printable
Wedding Budget Planner Printable: Keep your wedding dollars under control so you can relax and enjoy the weeks before the big event!
You’re planning a wedding! Congratulations!
After basking in the glow of receiving and accepting the proposal
the realization dawns that after the proposal comes marriage
and marriage requires a wedding. Which requires a trunk-load of planning.
We’re here to help with that with our Wedding Planner Printables.
In this post we talked about the Stationery Planner Printable, the first item on your to-do list.
Another important section tracks all your vendor contacts, phone numbers, emails and addresses.
To help keep stress to a minimum, we have a printable wedding stationery planner to go along with our Basic Wedding Planner Checklist, Wedding Menu Planner and Wedding Guest List Planner.

Print Your Own Wedding Budget Planner
Weddings cost a lot money. Mucho dinero. Couto beaucoup d’argent.
In any language, a budget is super important so you don’t wake up a few weeks after the honeymoon to find bill collectors knocking down your front door.
Or put your parents in the poorhouse if they’re footing the bill to marry you off in high style.
This budget planner helps you research everything ahead of time, decide what you can spend where, then shop around and make good buying choices.
You won’t need all the items on the list, and you may need to add some. We also include an empty form to make a completely new list, in case your wedding is a different style than typical. Use the filled out forms as a guide, then add them to the empty form with your additional requirements.
Click this headline for a link to our
Wedding Budget Printable Planner
And if you’re still pre-engagement, add it to your Pinterest boards.
if you are engaged to be married, use this form to join our email list,
and request your free PDF of this planner.