True Love Never Dies When God Has a Plan
True love never dies when God has a plan. And God’s plans come to pass in ways that seem unimaginable. But that’s what God is, after all.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
How about love in hind sight?
Or love before first sight.
Or if true love is even in God’s plan for you?
With God, all of the above is possible, and more.
Read about…
True Love Never Dies,
a true love story told anonymously,
the way we did in these stories: “Love is Patient,” “Believing The Dream,” and “When God Chose Their Future.”
because the stories are meant to show God’s glory.
And His power to bring two people together.
How It Began
Two families were friends, living in different countries.
One was a family of boys, the other a family of girls.
A crisis came up when the family of boys visited their friends.
The parents of the boys needed to leave for awhile, but their boys couldn’t go home. They were too young to travel by themselves, especially from one country to another.
So the family of girls offered that the boys could stay at their house.
The boy parents were skeptical.
These boys were barely emerging from the “girls have cooties” stage.
And were shy.
But they agreed to try it.
And imagine the parents’ surprise when a second time away was needed, and the boys (especially one) had no complaints about staying with the girls’ family again.

Fast forward six years.
The family of boys grew up in their country, became young men and began their adult lives.
The family of girls grew up in their country.
The paths of the two families never crossed again.
The mother of the boys noticed one of her sons didn’t seem to have any inclination to any of the girls in his circle of friends. She chalked it up to shyness. And his busy life, growing his farm, becoming a man. She thought one of these days the right girl would come along and he’d fall in love.
But you know how moms are. They get a little into their children’s lives. Want them to have a happily ever after. So she asked him if he was interested in someone.
He felt a little foolish. He’d met many nice girls over the years, was friends with some. But no one was “the one.” He told his mom this, and then admitted his thoughts kept going back to a girl he hadn’t seen for six years. And had no clue what she was up to, and felt weird trying to contact her after all these years. (They’re not on social media.)
But the parents are friends, remember, so when mom heard this, it wasn’t hard to make a casual reacquaintance.
To see if the spark was there for the girl, too.

They made plans to meet and get to know each other as adults.
And discovered God had kept the flame alive in both their hearts,
for six years,
with no fanning of the fire on their part.
True Love Never Dies
Never doubt that fact.
God has a plan for you,
and He knows exactly when that plan should be completed.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11