Tremble At The Presence Of The Lord
Tremble at the Presence Of The Lord; acknowledge God’s sovereignty and power over all of Heaven and Earth. Over you. Especially you. And bow before the knowing.
Early this morning I sat beside my husband, slowly awaking, reading from his shoulder as he studied the Bible. He had the page open in Psalms, where Psalm 114 showed on the left page, and easily caught my eye.
Then it caught my heart.
The subtitle reads “Tremble at the Presence of the Lord.”
As I slowly read each verse, then read them again even more slowly,
I began to tremble at the awesome force and power of the words.
The whole Exodus thing, which this chapter refers to,
began to feel intrinsic to life itself.
This Psalm isn’t poetic so much as terrible.
Just 8 short verses cover the entire reason behind the Exodus,
giving it the power of a multivitamin capsule,
more… a multivitamin medicine capsule that cures everything that ails you
while giving you all the nutrients you need for your very life.
And this chapter, this Psalm 114…
I don’t even remember reading it before.
It’s not a chapter commonly memorized; but why not?
Because the words don’t slip easily over the lips?
Because it’s not as pleasing to the ears?
Is it too complicated and powerful and terrifying?
This is not a mustard seed that slowly grows and you have time to gather in all the knowledge and faith as it comes to fruition.
These words pound without mercy.
If you don’t get why the sea fled before it;
if the mountains smoke and tremble and you’re oblivious;
and if water can pour from a rock right before your eyes and not move you;
then where are you?
Where are you?
These Words
cause me to tremble
at the presence of the Lord.
The Presence of God
in Everything.