The Great Exodus Lesson 9: Miriam’s Leprosy
The Great Exodus Lesson 9: Miriam’s Leprosy.
Miriam and Aaron grow jealous of Moses and speak evil of him.
God is angry at their sin and punishes Miriam with leprosy.
God’s People travel on to the Promised Land.
They escaped the fearsome Pharaoh; they escaped slavery.
God parted the waters of the Red Sea for the people to cross, then drowned the Pharaoh’s army so they could not pursue them further.
After crossing the Red Sea they walked into a desert. God gave them a pillar of cloud to guide them by day, and a pillar of fire to guide them at night. God did this to show them He would always be with them.
But a desert is dry and dusty, and the people got hot and thirsty and couldn’t find food. They grumbled angrily to Moses, their kind leader, and God told Moses He planned to feed His People and provide water in miraculous ways.
Then a fierce enemy attacks the Israelites and God tells Moses to hold up the Rod of God. Two men help him hold up the rod all the long day while the battle rages, and the battle is won!
In Lesson 9 Miriam, the sister who watched her baby brother, Moses, on the Nile and protected him so successfully, now becomes jealous of Moses. She doesn’t like his wife, she wants God to talk to her like He does to Moses, and she wants Moses to ask her advice again. Because ever since the 120 advisors were chosen, Moses doesn’t have as many incidents to settle with the Israelites and Miriam feels unimportant. How can Miriam overcome her sinful feelings?
The Great Exodus Children’s Bible Studies
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The Great Exodus Lesson 9: Included pages
Page 1: Cover Page
- The Bible Scripture to read for the story
- A glue in picture about the story
- A memory verse to learn
Story Page 2 and 3
- The Story with pictures
Page 4
- A picture to color
- Each lesson includes a simple craft which develops the Lesson Idea in a textural way.
Extra Notes and Study Ideas
- A Memory Verse Footprint: Every lesson of The Great Exodus is one step on the journey of God’s people to the Promised Land. Each lesson you will print the memory verse onto a footprint to make into a booklet, or to sticky tack to a wall to show the people’s progress to Canaan.
- The Extra Notes, Songs, Activities and Questions are helpful for parents and teachers so you can create a more memorable learning experience.
The Great Exodus: Lesson 9
Miriam’s Leprosy
Purchase and download Lesson 8 HERE.
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