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  1. I never knew all the lyrics to “The Wings of a Dove”. It seems like a hymn I remember from years ago. I found that interesting that earworms have a particular cadence. I will have to think about that next time one gets stuck in my head. Someone told me recently that to get rid of an earworm you have to sing the song to its completion but I noticed that when songs get stuck in my head that I don’t know all the words and keep going over the ones I do know! Haha

    1. Have you noticed, though, that if it’s a song you used to know well, the “earworm” eventually evolves into a memory of the whole song? That happened to me when my late father-in-law asked if I knew all the words to a certain earworm he was having. I didn’t. But I kept singing the words I knew, and by the next day, I had remembered them all. I give the credit for that to God; He can bring words to our hearts when we need them, that we may have long forgotten. Thanks for visiting, Rachel Going. I love reading your blog.

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