It’s Spring: Robin Book-Page Napkin Rings DIY
It’s Spring, people! Let’s do this Robin Book-Page Napkin Rings DIY. Celebrate Spring’s arrival with this practically free and organically gorgeous dinner table décor!
Today our guests arrive in Arizona on their big USA tour. And we’ll entertain them for dinner this evening.
My husband, the grill-master extraordinaire, has pork chops marinating with his special recipe. The table is ready to set (meaning leaves added for 16 people).

Here’s the menu:
- Grilled Pork Chops
- Potato Chunks baked with the works
- Green Salad by my DIL
- Great Northern Beans
- Sour Dough Bread
- Canadian whipped honey, a gift from earlier guests, and butter
- Chocolate Fudge Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream for dessert

DIY Ideas for your Spring Table Decor
Just for fun, I’d like to do something with book pages for the table décor this evening.
And since I caught sight of some robins on our lawn last week, I’ve been thinking spring is here for sure. Not just by the calendar, but with all the good stuff happening outdoors.
So, book-page robins perched on a twig glued onto a book-page wrapped piece of cardboard roll.
Book-page crafts are always a fun thing. Some of our other projects include:
Monogram Book Page Wreath (Paper Plate DIY)
How to Block Paint a Vintage Apple Book-Page Garland
Book Page Leaf Votive DIY: Upcycle Old Books and Jars

Book-Page Robin Napkin Ring DIY
So grab an old book and these…
- robin tracing template
- pencil, ruler, scissors, tacky glue and stapler
- foraged twigs, about 3″ long
- cardstock
- vintage brown ink pad, markers and colored pencils
- excelsior or spanish moss, twine or other rustic decorative materials for the robins

- Lets make the napkin ring shapes first. Cut cardstock strips about 1.25″ wide and 6″ long. Glue book page strips on the cardstock, then roll up and staple or glue into rings.
- Download and print the robin tracing pattern. Cut out the pattern and trace onto cardstock as many times as you have table settings. (I fit 6 sets of birds and wings on one sheet, then printed them right on the cardstock.) Cover the birds and wings with book page pieces, on both sides if desired. Age the edges of the birds and wings with the ink pad. Dot the eyes with black marker. Color in the beak with orange marker. Add some blush to the robin’s chest with colored pencil.
- Glue the wings to the birds.
- Glue twigs to the napkin rings, and the birds to the twigs. Add excelsior or raffia on the twigs.
- Pull dinner napkins through your spring robin napkin rings and deck your table!

There’s the Spring Robin Book Page Napkin Ring DIY
Doesn’t this look like a quick and easy project?
You’ll want to pin it for your crafting time.
Oh, and follow our Book Page Art Board.