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  1. This is so precious and heartfelt. I wish I knew what to say to make your load lighter, your days brighter. May God send you extra blessings and strength and comfort.
    P.S. I think you should “meet” my niece ,Karla. (

    1. You do, Rachel. Your blog in my inbox always brightens my day. I’m off to visit your niece…

  2. I have no idea what to say or how to say it. Kim IS beautiful inside and out and I’m not quite sure who the angel is….. you Dorothy or Kim, who through your eyes, words, love and the things you share here, has taught me so much about a life that’s less ordinary and so exceptional. You both tug at my heartstrings from the other side of the world. All I can do is send you and Kim all my love from way down here in South Africa.

    1. Dear Michelle, I have no idea how to say what your love means to us. YOU are one of the angels (with skin) that makes our life easier by the care you show. Thank you for sharing. I’d say have a great summer, but I don’t know if it’s summer where you are?

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