Slot Machine Pulpit: God Turns a Test Into a Testimony
They didn’t choose their “slot machine pulpit.” Yet that’s what happened when God turned a middle-of-the-night layover in “Sin City” from a test into a testimony.
They didn’t choose their slot machine pulpit that night.
Far from it.
Their hearts sank when they got off the plane and saw the whole airport seemed to be a giant gambling venue.
They wondered what God was thinking. This layover in “Sin City” on their way back home seemed the last straw on this stress filled trip.
Gina had traveled with her sister to California to support her as she saw her son for the last time. He lay dying in hospice, the victim of a fast paced cancer.
They said their final good-byes, knowing they would never see their precious son and beloved nephew on this earth again. So their hearts were flooded with sadness,
only to face this test of a noisy night-time airport layover.
They sat together in the calmest spot they could find and prepared to wait it out with all the grace they could muster.

From Test Into Testimony
That’s when their uncomfortable layover became a slot machine pulpit.
A girl on a seat across from them leaned forward, hoping to get their attention. “Do you know God?” she asked.
“Yes,” they said. “Yes, we do.”
“I knew it. I could just tell. May I ask you some questions?”
The sisters looked at each other. “Sure. Go ahead.”
The girl plied them with question after question. And listened intently to the answers. Soon she was swiping at tears flowing down her cheeks. “We have to stop talking,” she said. “I’m going to lose my eyelashes.” She did have the longest lashes they had ever seen.
She got up and went to fix her face.
Then she came back, this time sitting right beside them. So she could hear the answers to every question she resumed asking. The tears flowed again.
Gina looked over her shoulder at one point and noticed a business man, briefcase in hand, focused on them.
Then she turned to the left and noticed a mom with a baby in a stroller parked near enough to hear their words.
And at the end of the row of seats, a young man with tattoos for skin pretended to pause for a second. Not looking their way, but an ear turned with intent.
The two hours in the gambler’s airport sped by. Their next flight was announced. They looked at each other, amazed. The arcade airport test was over. And God turned it into testimony!
“Thank you! Thank you so much for talking to me,” the young lady said as they got up to join their boarding line.

Praying that your tests turn into testimony
as you journey onward.
Each day seems to hold unique issues to deal with, grow from, and/or master. Yet never forget, each downside in your day weaves into a larger story of divine purpose.
As Christians we approach our tests with prayer, trusting that the other end of each trial will prove God is faithful. In our weakest moments we may find the most potent message of hope.
These “messes” become “messages” to others who walk along with us, giving us a chance to offer God’s light in their darkness.
So we can conclude that our distress can, in fact, be turned into chances to witness the power of grace that turns sorrows into joy. Defeats into triumphs. That makes our very lives into a testament to the deep love of our God.
May our prayers not only seek relief, but also strength to share
so our tests may indeed be turned into testimony that uplifts and inspires.