Sing Like No One Is Listening: Easy Watercolor Robin DIY
It’s spring and let’s celebrate! Sing like no one is listening…
Here’s a quick and easy watercolor robin DIY you can chirp about.
There was something about spring when I was little.
Something that made my dad go about the house singing,
“Cherries are ripe, cherries are ripe, the robin sang one day.
Cherries are ripe, cherries are ripe…”
He sang this every single time he spotted the first robin after the winter.
I think I know why. He was so relieved the endless winter was finally exiting. So relieved that he broke from his usual hymn singing. (The hymns probably kept him going through the endless prairie winter.)
Did I just hear him singing this in heaven??

Sing like no one is listening,
Love like you’ve never been hurt,
Dance like nobody’s watching,
And live like it’s heaven on earth.
William Purkey
Let’s celebrate Spring…
Easy Watercolor Robin DIY
- Watercolor paper*
- Watercolor paints* and brushes*
- Water cup and paper towel blotter
- Robin template (go to this page and comment “easy robin watercolor DIY template”) and gray graphite tracing paper* or just wing it. (Pun intended.)
- Read this post for beginner watercolor painting tips.
- Download and print the bird template, in the size you wish to paint it.
- Make a tracing sandwich, with the watercolor paper on the bottom, the graphite tracing paper, and the template on top. Trace the outline lightly, yet enough to transfer to the watercolor paper.
- Prep your watercolor paints and brushes. Set up your water cup and paper towel for blotting.
- Moisten the breast area of the robin with a light coat of water.
- Load your brush with a rust mix of paint and touch to the water puddle on the bird’s breast. Follow the picture demonstrations to complete the picture:
- If you chose the 5″x7″ size, add a blurb and mail a card to your favorite spring co-celebrator!
To see birds I painted in oils check out this Birds Event Calendar.