Samson, a Children’s Bible Story: Riddles and Secrets
Samson, a Children’s Bible Story:
How Riddles and Secrets
made a Godly man super strong,
but blind and powerless when he disobeyed.
I have hands but can’t hold anything, and a face but I can’t smile.
What am I?
Only one word in the entire dictionary is spelled “w – r – o – n – g.”
What is it?
If you don’t keep me, I break.
What am I?

Riddles and Secrets
Those three questions above are called riddles.
Riddles are questions that are meant to make you think “outside the box,” beyond what you think you’re hearing.
To answer a riddle, you have to ask yourself if the words have a hidden meaning or conceal a secret you have to discover before you get the answer.
Riddles can be fun,
but if the secret is too deep, they can be frustrating.
Samson, a Children’s Bible Story
Samson was a strong man. He was born to be strong.
God told Samson’s parents he would be a special person, a Nazarite, and that his hair should never be cut.
Because if his hair was cut, Samson would lose his strength.
His strength came from God only when he obeyed God by not cutting his hair.
Samson’s country had many enemies, and they all wanted to know what made Samson so strong.
But Samson kept the secret.
He loved asking people riddles and keeping the answers secret.
Maybe he was practicing.
Maybe he thought if he kept the answers to riddles secret,
he’d be able to keep the secret of his strength.
And for a long time he did.
As long as he obeyed God, he was strong.
But a time came when he didn’t guard his secret, and his enemies caught him
and cut his hair!
Then they poked out his eyes and made him blind, so he would never be strong again.
Read the whole story to see how God helped Samson to get his strength back.
And defeat his enemies one last time!

What you get with the Samson Bible Story Printable:
- A Lesson Title page with scriptures to read, a memory verse, and a Samson picture to glue.
- 2 pages of story and pictures.
- A picture to color.
- A craft idea to make using simple, household items.
Buy the Samson Bible Story Printable or Mailed Lesson here.
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