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  1. Dorothy that was a great story. I think when we are little we feel kind of invincible. But then the teenage years kick in and it is chaos from there. But with this wonderful lady supporting us all we have been able to get back on the horse and feel like we did when we were children. Her three tips are so so true and I try to live by them ever day.

  2. Hello Dorothy, what a lovely story. We are so brave when we are young. I know that feeling too. Thank you so much for hosting the link up for KariAnne. She and I have been friends for years and I am enjoying getting to know everyone too. Biggest hugs of gratitude. Katherine P.S. I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blogand shop

    1. Since this is the first time doing this sort of thing, I have some of the same feelings as in my story. Please, tell me the lines, and I’ll follow along! Thanks for visiting.

  3. I love your story! You are so right about those who feel less than amazing themselves. We all need to think about this more often.

    So happy to have gotten to share this launch team experience with you and so many other amazings.

    1. Hi, Lisa. Honored to have you visit here!
      Yes, this launch has taken me to new places. When I don’t feel dizzy, I feel awed. LOL.

  4. Dorothy, what a beautiful story. I’m impressed that you stood up in that Sunday school class and made the effort to recite a Bible verse – such a long one at that. You could have said you were just visiting. That’s why you were amazing then as a 10-year-old and you’re still amazing. Thanks for sharing your memory and your thoughts.

    1. Haha. Oh, yes, there were many things I could have done instead of embarrass myself, but that seems to be one of my talents. Isn’t that why I need this book! The reminder that God accepts us, flaws and all. Thanks for visiting.

  5. This is such a beautiful post! I’m so excited to be a part of it! I really hope this group keeps in touch once the book gets released! I’ve really enjoyed visiting with everyone each day!

    1. Thanks for sharing. I know, we need to keep our Amazings together, don’t we?

  6. I love this post! Such a great reminder to spread happiness and joy. And I love having the three steps jotted down. Over the last few years I’ve seen how much gratitude and giving blesses not only others, but me. And it helps me kick my focus off of myself.

    So fun to be part of the tour with you!

    1. I need many reminders of this. It’s so easy to be in a place of protecting myself. Thanks for stopping by. I am enjoying this group a lot.

  7. What a beautiful story! I’m so blessed to be in this journey with you and KariAnne’s book launch team. Your words are so encouraging and what a great feeling it is to find joy when we share in other people’s AmAzings!!

    1. Thank you for visiting. Yes, this tour is fun. Thanks to Karianne and her amazing book.

    1. Thanks. It was fun to write, and Karianne made it easy with her little sermon to us on Friday. 😉

  8. Dorothy – I love how you share your beautiful heart. It has been wonderful getting to know you better these past few weeks and I’m honored to be a part of this blog tour with you!

    1. This has been a lot of fun, hasn’t it? The sharing of lives and prayers and happinesses on the launch group has been a blessing. Keep blogging!

  9. Dorothy,
    Thank you SO much sweet friend for all your encouragement.
    I’m so happy that you are along on this journey because it makes it all the better.
    Happiest of days to you rock star.

    1. Thank you for taking me along on this journey.
      Having a book published is tremendously exciting, but kind of scary. It’s like letting just anyone hold your precious firstborn. I’m so glad you did. Keep writing!

  10. WOW! You are so brave! I don’t know if I could have done it! The group is so amazing and I am so glad to be a part of it with you!

    1. Hmm, see below! I obviously couldn’t do it, either!
      I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, and your lovely blog. Thanks for being a friend.

    1. Thanks, you’re sweet.
      Have fun with the blog tour!

  11. Kim,
    You were so brave to stand up and recite from memory a Bible verse in a different church! I’m not sure I would have even had the courage to try to recite before a group of strangers.

    Love being on the blog tour with you!


    1. Hmmm, brave? I told you I hadn’t been out much… I didn’t know enough to be scared. LOL.
      I’ve enjoyed getting to know Karianne fans, and I love your blog. Dorothy

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