Psalm 91:4, He Will Cover You With His Feathers Watercolor Art
Psalm 91:4.
He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall trust.
Watercolor art symbolizing God’s comfort and protection.
Some mornings you wake up with a burden for someone.
And you want so badly to ease their hurt and pain in some small way.
You say a prayer for them, you reach for a comforting thought.
Psalm 91:4 is a message from God that brings so much peace.
He will cover you with His feathers,
Psalm 91:4
and under His wings you will find refuge.
This morning I felt infused with purpose. I felt led to make this card.
I hadn’t thought of the verse, but this card would have a watercolor feather on it. Feeling such certainty about that was unusual, since I had never painted a feather before. I looked at watercolor feather pictures for inspiration, and found a feather tutorial. Could I do it? It seemed foolish trying a new thing for a card that needed to convey a heart-heaping-full of comfort.
In the end, the feather kind of painted itself. My hands just followed the instructions that came from Somewhere. The feather should be brownish silver, but then the turquoise and green shimmer watercolors wanted to represent. The feather said glitter; shimmer isn’t enough.
This painting was meant to portray an important message, even though I didn’t know the words yet.
So I painted, with a full heart and even overflowing tears at times, for this friend of mine who is going through a very difficult time. These feelings became this feather.

Then I searched for words.
I tried out the Emily Dickinson quote.

My friend needs hope at this time. A vibrant hope that can carry her through the days ahead, until time has done it’s noble work and truly sings the tune that is resting in the soul when one has hope.
For true hope? Timeless hope? Unfailing hope?
Psalm 91:4 never fails.
Words from God fit best at this time for my friend.
When a soul hurts, to feel covered by feathers as soft as down seems ever so warming. The feathers that give refuge from a watching, critical world. So that she feels wrapped in a cocoon of two, just she and God.
She needs a place of safety where no one can penetrate the comfort of God’s love and inject a syringe of despair. Or the feeling of hopelessness that “life will never again be the same.”
God’s feathers have the power to protect.
Then, when she is brave and strong again, she will venture from her refuge, and be brave enough to face the world.
And then the world will feel loving and caring once more.
Because time heals all things.
And love prevails.

Sharing Psalm 91:4 today
and praying that His feathers will cover you
Under the wings of the Almighty, we find refuge, and assurance in His unwavering faithfulness.
Although we go through times of fear or uncertainty, this verse reminds us that we are not alone. We are enfolded in the loving embrace of God, shielded from harm and fortified by His steadfast presence.