Stories To Know Children’s Bible Lessons


Stories To Know includes 10 Bible Stories for young children, recommended for ages 5 to 7.  

Easy to understand stories, each with a simple craft packet.

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Stories To Know is a 40 page book with 10 Bible Lessons for young children. This book includes stories that have fascinated children for years. The Little Lost Sheep. The Boy King. The Talking Donkey. A great book for Vacation Bible School, with quick and easy children’s crafts included!

Recommended ages for this book are 6 to 8. The lessons are very understandable and very easy to teach. Each story includes a memory verse, glue-on picture, picture to color, and a simple craft project for the child. The craft components are cut and ready to put together without a lot of preparation on the teacher’s part.


Stories To Know Children’s Bible Lessons

  1. THE LOST SHEEP. The Shepherd had 100 sheep, but when one tiny lamb went missing, He didn’t sleep until He found it.
  2. BUILDING A HOUSE. The Wise Man builds his house on The Rock, whereas the Foolish Man builds his on the sand.
  3. A BOY KING. A little boy became king and then found God’s scrolls which had been lost to his country for many years.
  4. A KIND TRAVELER. A man is attacked and left beside the road to die. Three travelers come along, but only one stops to help.
  5. A TALKING DONKEY. God asks Balaam to take a message. Balaam doesn’t listen to God the way he should, so an angel stops his donkey. The donkey talks when Balaam shouts at him.
  6. SHARING HIS LUNCH. A little boy joins the crowds listening to Jesus. Everyone gets hungry, and the little boy shares his little bit of lunch. Jesus performs a miracle so that the little lunch feeds 5000 people.
  7. NO EMPTY POTS. A hungry prophet asks a poor woman for food. She doesn’t have more than one meal, so she sends her little boys to borrow oil from the neighbors. She shares with the prophet, and after that she never runs out of food.
  8. CAUGHT NO FISHES. Peter, James and John fished all night and caught no fishes. Then Jesus came along the shore and told them how to dip their nets the right way.
  9. A GOLDEN CALF. Moses went up the mountain to talk to God. His leaders felt deserted and asked the people for their jewelry, which they melted to make a Golden Calf so they would have something to worship.
  10. THE SHEPHERDS WORSHIP. A Christmas story. The shepherds bring gifts to Baby Jesus.

Stories To Know
Children’s Bible Lessons Crafts

  1. A letter size background with the Shepherd and 3 sheep, then cotton balls are glued to the sheep to create texture.
  2. A letter size background with a scene of a rock, grass and sky. The children glue popsicle sticks on a house outline which symbolizes the Wise Man’s house.
  3. A crown which is assembled and then decorated with jewels and memory verse card.
  4. Background with Bible Verse and puzzle outline. Children glue a heart puzzle together, then attach a hand over the heart, which signifies the helping hand of the Good Samaritan who heals hearts with kindness.
  5. An angel cut out, to which the children add tulle wings and a halo.
  6. A hanky and string to wrap a little boys lunch: 5 loaves and 2 fishes, which is then attached to a 12″ dowel for a portable lunch.
  7. A pot cut out. Then the children add stickers and a memory verse card to decorate it.
  8. A boat cut out to glue together, with popsicle stick masts and a paper sail. Then a fishing net with fishes goes in the boat.
  9. A paper with a calf standing on a pedestal. The children fold the paper into a tent so the calf stands up, then cover the calf with gold glitter.
  10. Dark card stock for background. The children use white chalk to stencil around a Bethlehem outline. Then a glow-in-the-dark star, song scroll and glittery music notes decorate the sky.