Snowy Owlets Baby Shower Planner


This is a 3 page PDF file.


Snowy Owlets Baby Shower Planner.
From our Snowy Owlets Baby Suite.
Digital download with lovely watercolor art;
original kimenink designs. 


Snowy Owlets Baby Shower Planner


Instant download, no item shipped to your home.

8.5″ x 11″ Digital Download:
File will contain a high-resolution PDF file with
three 8.5″x 11″ files for home or commercial print shop printing.

Page 1
Hostess(es) Page

The hostess planning page has prompts for theme,
date, venue, etc.
Large lined note area for all the details.

Page 2
Mom-To-Be Planner Page

Mom-to-be lists her guests and their mailing addresses.
There are lines for the registries, and
additional lines for gift items needed that are not from the registries.

Page 3
Task Check-Off List

Reminders of what tasks need doing
and when to do them
with check boxes when completed.

Snowy Owlets Baby Suite

Find more Baby Stationery in this original kimenink design:

Adoption Baby Shower Invitation

Snowy Owlets Nursery Prints

Owl-Always-Love-You Nursery Print

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Your purchase helps someone with autism. If you want to understand
in a small way what it means to live on the spectrum, read this blog post  or this one.


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