Faithful Friends Children’s Bible Lessons


Faithful Friends includes 10 Bible Stories for young children, recommended for ages 8 to 10.  

Each lesson is a friendship story found in the Bible, such as David and Jonathan, Elisha and the Shunammite woman, and more.

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Faithful Friends is a 40 page book with 10 Bible Lessons for young children. This book includes stories about special friendships in the Bible. David and Jonathan. Elijah and the Shunamite woman. The three friends who were thrown into the fiery furnace. This is a great book for Vacation Bible School, with quick and easy children’s crafts included!

Recommended ages for this book are 8 to 10. The lessons are very understandable and very easy to teach. Each story includes a memory verse, glue-on picture, picture to color, and a simple craft project for the child. The craft components are cut and ready to put together without a lot of preparation on the teacher’s part.


Faithful Friends Children’s Bible Lessons

  1. FRIENDS FOREVER, THE STORY OF DAVID AND JONATHAN. The king threatens David, his son Jonathan’s best friend. Then Jonathan helps David escape from the king.
  2. A FRIEND TO STRANGERS, THE STORY OF RAHAB. Rahab was the only person in town who helped the enemy. As a result, God spared her life.
  3. CHOOSING FRIENDS, THE STORY OF THE PRODIGAL SON. The rich farmer’s son went to party with his friends. Then, when his money was all gone, the friends forgot all about him.
  4. FRIENDS IN TROUBLE, THE STORY OF SAUL. A bright light blinded Saul on the road. Then God said he would find a friend who would restore his sight.
  5. JESUS IS A FRIEND, THE STORY OF LAZARUS. Jesus friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus, always had him over when he was in their town. Then Lazarus died, and Jesus brought him back to life.
  6. FRIENDS STAND TALL, THE STORY OF SHADRACH, MESHACH AND ABEDNEGO. The king’s  decree forced three Hebrew men to worship an idol. The men refused, so the king threw them into a fiery furnace.
  7. A PROPHET’S FRIEND, THE STORY OF THE SHUNAMMITE WOMAN. The prophet Elisha traveled to the Shunammite town. Then he visited his friends there, who always treated him kindly.
  8. NEEDING A FRIEND, THE STORY OF ZACCHAEUS.  Zacchaeus had no friends. Then Jesus came to town, and went to Zacchaeus house to visit.
  9. FRIENDS GIVE, THE STORY OF ABRAHAM AND LOT. Abraham and Lot moved to a new country, then Abraham let Lot choose the land he wanted. Lot chose the best ground, which then left Abraham with the poor land.
  10. FRIENDS PRAY, THE STORY OF PETER. God helped Peter escape from prison because his friends had stayed up all night to pray for him.

Faithful Friends
Children’s Bible Lessons Crafts

  1. Bow and Arrow. Plastic bow with rubber band. Assemble a wood dowel, pencil eraser tip and paper feather which then becomes the arrow.
  2. Rahab’s House. Fold and glue the paper cut outs into a house. Cut and assemble the woman and two friends. Then act out the story with these props.
  3. White card background with the word Prodigal. Add designs to the word to describe the story.
  4. Black scratch card and pattern. Place the pattern on the scratch card, then scratch the picture onto the black scratch card with a wood dowel.
  5. Card picture with memory verse. Decorate the card with cinnamon sticks, which is one of the spices used in Bible times for preserving the dead. Then attach a string to make a wall hanging.
  6. Fiery furnace cutout. Assemble the furnace, then place the three Hebrew friends into the fire.
  7. Room on the roof. The Shunammite woman and her husband built a room on the roof for their friend Elisha. Assemble the room, then decorate with bed, table and chair.
  8. Picture Background of tree and grass. Wind green string around a tree top shape, then glue to the tree background.
  9. Gift Box. Fold and glue a gift box that is decorated with a landscape scene and the memory verse.
  10. Bookmark and Sleeve. Fold and glue a sleeve, then slip a bookmark with the lesson’s memory verse inside.