Praying for a Baby | Wait For The Miracle
Are you praying for a baby?
Wait on God; the miracle might happen!
And if that miracle has a glitch, praise Him anyway.
Many families are praying for a baby at any given time.
So, when we prayed for a baby, specifically a girl baby, I sometimes felt so selfish. Why should I get my miracle when so many had to change their prayers?
However, miraculously, that’s what happened for us. We had two boys. The youngest was three. Was that going to be it? Please, God, I’d love a blue-eyed, blond-curled baby girl (to look just like her daddy).
The youngest was almost four. Would my prayers be answered?
And then, one day, I knew our prayers would be answered. The joy and thanksgiving bubbled over.
Praying for the Miracle of a Newborn Baby
So you’ve wondered if you would ever be a mother, whether for the first time, or to finish the family you dreamed of having. That ache is real. You treasure and long for the chance to feel the bond of love between parent and child.
At first your prayers are a wish, a please-God-if you-see-fit. Then they get a little more desperate. They turn into demand. “What are you thinking God? Don’t we deserve this? I thought you said you answered prayer.” Hot tears of self-pity soak your pillow.
Still no pink or blue on your horizon.
You wonder if your prayers should be prayed a certain way, or if your spirit is wrong. You begin a prayer journal to help you focus and get the results you long for. Although you become a woman keen to the Spirit and sincere in trust,
there’s still no pink or blue peeping over the horizon.
And Then The Miracle Happens
You woke up one morning with the certainty that you would be a mother. Now you could begin to plan the nursery and paint walls and buy a crib and oh and ah at the baby clothes in the department store.
And buy way more of them than any newborn could ever wear.
You remember when your predominant prayer was for a baby. And you thank God, over and over, for the miracle that you expect to arrive kicking and squalling and spitting into your world.

However, the Praying and the Miracle Have a Glitch
You learn that not every birth is perfect.
Not every nine months of expecting a newborn is filled with fuzzy feelings of anticipation. Sometimes there is fear. Sometimes they want to do more ultrasounds than you think is necessary for a healthy birth.
And then you know.
You know that very likely, this child, that you waited for so long, the first girl baby to be born on your husband’s side of the family, is having problems. Slowly you realize, something isn’t right. Several times a day, the doctor says, lay down and count baby heartbeats. Three times a week you go in and get hooked up to a machine that knows if the little life inside of you is struggling too hard. The clinic’s tape measure and scales become fearful tools in your eyes. Is the baby growing? Should she be born now, or can we wait until the due date?
Now, the doctor says.
Now you need to go to the hospital, and this girl baby will be born. The doctor is smiling when it’s all over. That’s a good sign, isn’t it? The baby is crying, there is no rush to Baby ICU; you begin to relax. Then the doctor announces, “She’s a ten!”
And she is. All 5 pounds 8 ounces of her, the tiny bundle that fits into a doll basket, is a Ten.
She’s a ten on the health chart, and she’s a multiple of ten in your arms, in her daddy’s eyes, and in grandma and grandpa’s smiling faces. Slowly the memory of problems and fears fade into the background.
And the huge reality that God answered your prayer for a baby is born in your thankful heart. And if God answered this fervent prayer, you know He will see you through to the fulfillment of this life which has now begun. In His time, in His way. Because, this child so long awaited, this amazing newborn miracle,

How to Praise God In Spite of Glitchy Miracles
Are you experiencing a glitchy miracle?
Don’t get me wrong here. I don’t actually believe in glitchy miracles, because in the end, a miracle is just that. Our job is to believe in that, and overcome the parts we think make it less than amazing.
So how do we do that? How do we look at life’s twists and turns and live with pure Christian souls?
A wise minister once counseled a man not to believe in the Christians in his Church, but to believe in the Church. And that is the key to believing in miracles.
Don’t quantify the results of a miracle,
just believe in miracles.
Miracles Come In All Sizes
My son voice messaged me the other day, and told me of a God-incidence that colored his daily routine. He concluded that “God moves in mysterious ways.” That verse finishes, “His wonders to perform.”
This is so true with miracles. Some are huge, and some are so tiny you almost miss them.
Some happen just as you’d expect, but the next time they’re almost unrecognizable. However, if you can give your heart and soul into the idea of them, they are a different kind of miracle.
Share this post (please) if you agree, and you’re thankful for every miracle.