Love Is Brewing: A DIY Bridal Shower Banner
You will heart this “Love Is Brewing” Bridal Shower Banner DIY for your coffee themed event. Because there’s a surprising upcycling element to it that the bride will appreciate for a long time!
In this post we shared ideas for a coffee themed Bridal Shower. Banners are a fun part of shower decor, and here’s a DIY version for a “brew” party.
And then, wait for it…
the banner has a second life!
During the shower, just before the part where the bride-to-be starts opening gifts,
you take the banner down from wherever you have it displayed, and use it for bridal advice! Everyone writes a bit of wisdom on the back, and the honored guest takes them home to savor later. When married life begins and she’s got questions, she can get out the advice cards.
You know how we’re all about upcycling and respecting the environment. This is a perfect way to keep some party decor out of the trash when the cleaning up begins.

How to Make the “Love is Brewing” Banner
- White cardstock*, 110#, printer size, 10 sheets
- Our printable banner download (see direction 1 below.)
- Gold* or ecru* and brown curling ribbon*
- Scissors, hole punch
- Printer that can print cardstock, or take the downloaded files to a commercial printer

- Go to our contact page and fill in the form. Request the “Love is Brewing Bridal Shower Banner template.” This adds you to our email list and gives you access to our free printables library. If you prefer not to become part of our family, you can purchase the template from our shop as an instant download.
- Print the banner. Print the “E” and “I” templates twice. Then send the pages through the printer again, printing the “Advice to the Bride” design on the backs of each letter.
- Cut out the shapes. Punch the hanging holes.
- Cut enough length of each color of the curling ribbon to span the space you wish to use. Run both ribbons through the holes together. Twist together if you wish, like streamers.
- Cut more ribbon and make curly tassels for each end of your banner.
- NOTE: If you have more guests than banner letters, print extra pennants with the coffee cup and set aside with the pencils for the advice part of the shower.