KimenINK Handmade Stationery Shop Welcomes You
KimenINK Handmade Stationery Shop is having a Grand Opening. Welcome to the place where unique design meets quality papers. Where small, personalized business is always the big news.

KimenINK Handmade Stationery Shop welcomes you to the Grand Opening of our website! New spaces are so exciting. Planning, purchasing, designing – everything about it is wonderful. Wonderful, but a leap in the dark at times. Gratifying, but labor intensive.
Years ago, we designed and built a new home. When we got to the moving in part, I was too exhausted to even think about decor or drapes or planning a yard. We lived in our home for a whole year before we even planted one tree. Or hung one window treatment. Fortunately, we didn’t have very many close neighbors back then, so privacy wasn’t an issue!
But one thing we did have that year was company. Family, friends, even strangers, were welcomed into our new home. I was so happy for my house and all the spaciousness. I didn’t even care that the yard was mostly dirt, or the play room had nothing but a ping pong table. It was so awesome to merely enjoy what we accomplished, and share it with everyone.

Welcome to KimenINK!
And here we are, today, opening up this new world wide web space. It’s been a long time in the coming, and we know it’s not completely finished. We hope you can put up with the lack of window dressing and the less-than-sophisticated landscaping while we welcome you here. We can’t wait for everything to be perfect before we share with you all.
When we built our house, we got a lot of help and suggestions from family and friends. We couldn’t have done it by ourselves, because we didn’t have very much experience.
What We Offer
Here’s a list of items we offer in our handmade stationery shop. It’s not an exhaustive list, but gives an idea of what you can expect from us going forward.
- Original Watercolor Painted products; when they are a print of a kimenINK design, we will show that in the descriptions.
- Wedding Stationery Suites: find our Bespoke Wedding Shop here.
- Baby Birth Announcements and First Year Keepsake Calendars.
- Baby Shower Planners and Invitations
- Kitchen Organizers and Personalized Recipe Keepers.
- Printables for Children and Home Decor.
We also have affiliate product ideas for our tutorials and DIY projects. We are signed up with Amazon, among others. A side bar in all our posts shares our affiliate information.
And so, we’re looking forward to this new adventure. We hope you all will share your ideas. Don’t be shy about telling us what you like and what we should do!
One more time, WELCOME HERE. We’re looking forward to getting to know you.