Keys To The Kingdom, Love, and A Vintage Book Upcycle
I will give you the keys of the kingdom…
Matthew 16:19
So I walked into a shop to get my favorite lotion.
Near the door, I saw a poster asking for someone to apply for a “keyholder” position.
“Hmm,” I pondered as I shopped, “What is a keyholder?”
A keyholder would surely be an outstanding person with leadership qualities and knowledge about everything in the store.
She would be completely committed to the vision of the company and the quality of the products she sells.
In essence, this is what we need to be as keyholders in God’s kingdom. Loyal, committed and responsible.

Keys Of The Kingdom Stationery Box Project
It all began with an idea.
I wanted to re-purpose a book.
I love books, even old ones, and I can’t just throw them away even if I won’t read the story again.
The one on my work table is a classically great book, “The Keys of the Kingdom” by A. J. Cronin.

A. J. Cronin wrote this classic many years ago, about a missionary to China.
The general context of the book is Love’s many facets, and how the genuine, Godly love of a man conquered his complicated world in the end.
Using the title of the book as our inspiration, we designed a stationery box inside the empty cover of the book.
The box contains 5 blank notecards and 5 sheets of lined stationery paper, with 10 Kraft A4 size envelopes.
We love this project, and had so much fun creating it. Then gifting it to a friend who still writes letters.
Love is the key to the Kingdom.
Wishing you love today.

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