Keep Your Fork, There’s Pie | Free Kitchen Printable
“Keep your fork, there’s pie” for a Kitchen printable?
Yes, since one of my guilty pleasures is tracking the British Royal Family, past and present!
I’m a not-so-secret fan of all things British Royal Family.
Do you think they are actually living, breathing humans, like the rest of us?
I don’t think so. I think that someone like Beatrix Potter just invented this huge fairy tale that keeps going on and on, and they use actors for the parts. I mean, how can a Royal Wedding be real? Two beautiful people with spectacular clothes smiling and posing for the whole world? And then having those photos shown and published and republished for time everlasting?
Who in their right mind would sign up for such a deal? I think they must have filler people for the days they just can’t. You know, how some days you just can’t adult and so you hole up on the couch with a book all day? That’s most likely how Princess Kate does it. Gets her look-alike to pose on the hospital steps with a baby with it’s outfit on backwards and smile while the wind gusts so bad that your skin folds over on itself.
If it really is her, Princess Kate, I have utmost respect for her and all the others like her. That is the most amazing life to live, and actually enjoy sometimes.

On the other hand, sometimes there’s pie.
Which is an absolute necessity to reward these people for living the way they do.
Trips that take them to foreign countries to the back of beyond, into restaurants that the locals call “Greasy Spoons” and the chef is also the waitress and busboy and the whole town lines up at the windows staring in while you eat.
That is pure bravery. And be able to keep smiling the whole time? And say Thank you and Please without end, just like Pooh and Piglet.
So this is where the Duke of Edinburgh finds himself one day in the far distant past, when he was still young enough to travel to Britain’s other countries. He’s in a small northern Canadian town, eating local, and meeting and greeting the mayor and high school principal and the first grader with a basket of flowers or whoever they pull out for these occasions.
His plate is empty, and the waitress comes to whisk it off to the kitchen. But there’s one thing.
She hesitates there beside his table, stands holding his plate that he politely stacked with his used silverware. Then she smiles at the young royal, and she says,
You might want to keep your fork.
Waitress to Duke of Edinburgh
There’s pie.
Yep. Pie.
Now in the family I grew up in, we know that pie is one of the ultimate desserts. If we had pie, we were eating like kings. Or dukes, in this case. We always keep our forks, for the chance that the best is yet to come. The best dessert. The best conversation. Best whatever, you pick. Be optimistic: keep your fork!

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That’s why an optimistic person says
Keep your fork, because there’s pie. The Best Is Yet To Come
This sweet waitress immortalized herself and that fork by reminding him about pie.
That is super important, friends.
Remember, there is always the chance of pie. So keep your forks.
Don’t throw up your hands and bail when it looks like everything’s over. For all you know, the best is yet to come. It’s not over until it’s over. Never give up. Keep on keeping on. Keep calm and carry on. (Hey, another British phrase.) Upward and onward. Always optimistic. You fill in the blank for your favorite uplifting mom-ism.

So hang on to your fork just a little longer. Be optimistic.
Because the thing that comes next
might be the best thing ever.
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