January Recipe Organizer Monthly Menu Planner Free Printable
Does a new year and new beginnings and a new recipe organizer fill you with the burning desire to manage everything in your life? If so, here’s the monthly menu planner you’ve been looking for.
And just to show we have faith in you
and your ability to pull off a grand, major life organization,
which we know by now that we can’t accomplish,
because we’ve tried and failed time and again…
Just to give you our complete confidence that you are a better person
than we (even though we do keep trying),
We are giving away the January pages of our new Kitchen Day Planner TOTALLY FREE!
Recipe Organizer Free Printable for Menu Planning
This printable fits into our Vintage Personalized Recipe Album.
Meal planner printables are available in all our Recipe Album designs, but the design featured today is new.
The Vintage Recipe Album is available here as a printable DIY, and here all personalized and ready to fill up with your favorite recipes and your favorite menu ideas.
These free pages print on 8.5″ x 11″ paper. Trim around the light outlines to fit a mini binder Recipe Album.
If you print on #110 card, the cover page becomes a sturdy tab divider.
The pages should be centered so you can print back to back, and then trim.
Punch holes to fit in your binder.

Ready – Set – Monthly Menu Planner!
It would be fun to see how many of us actually enter ideas
for each and every meal of this January Menu planner.
I feel sort of blank right now, but I just had my dinner.
Which was Chicken and Rice, one of our go-to meals, so it would likely go on the list again by the end of the month.
Other favorites are just as simple: Creamy Chicken Enchiladas with Spanish Rice and Chopped Salad.
Barbeque Meatballs with Crispy Pan Baked Potatoes and Spinach Salad.
Three Cheese Lasagna with Caesar Salad and Garlic Toast.
Chicken Fried Chicken (bought prepped, which we just have to bake) with Homemade Mashed Potatoes, Cream Gravy and Sweet Corn is our Sunday favorite.
If I keep this up I’ll have enough to fill my pages.
What are your favorite meals?
Please help us spread the word
about recipe organizers and matching menu planners and all the ways to manage your kitchen life…

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