Ink Recap : Inspiring Stories to Energize Your Next Week
‘Ink Recap and Inspiring Stories to energize your next week.
Before we cap our pens for the week,
here’s some uplifting stories to take with you.
Inspiring Stories to energize your next week
We haven’t done an ‘Ink Recap for a few weeks, and I’ve missed it.
I love finding great true stories that uplift and re-energize my soul after a long week of ordinary living.
So here’s a few things we found:
Adopted Boy adopts old dogs because he knows how it feels
to be “old and unloved.”
This boy was so badly abused that he ended up in the hospital twice with brain injuries before he was placed in the foster system.
The family who took him in adopted him two years ago, and he can’t stop sharing the love he now receives. His adoptive mom says, “”He knows what it feels like not to be loved and cared for. He’s the most hopeful, optimistic, and genuinely caring kid who has absolutely no reason to be that way,”
He adopts as many old dogs as his new parents will let him, and volunteers at an animal shelter where “he will seek out the oldest, mangiest, least-adoptable mutt of the lot.”
Read more about this amazing boy by clicking the source link under the picture.

The Phantasy Photographer
Only this isn’t a fantasy forest and these are real butterflies.
“Photographer Kelvin Hudson came across a magical sight that would typically be reserved for a fairytale. While in the forest, he captured an image of a tree partially cloaked with a cluster of blue morpho butterflies. A majority of the brilliant winged creatures gathered around the trunk of the tree while others spread out in small groups on surrounding branches. The resulting image is awe-inspiring.”
Click the gold link under the photo to read more of the story.

The Thoughtful Father
who tries to think of a way to comfort his daughter after he is gone.
As he lies dying, his thoughts are turned to his daughter. Not to feel sorry for himself that he won’t be alive to see her on her coming birthdays. But to imagine a way to help her feel he is still part of her life, even after he is gone.
His daughter shared her story on social media:
That’s all we have from the ‘net
except to share this as a wish for the week ahead:

‘Ink Recap : Things that happened at Kim&ink.
Our week was quiet. I got back home on Monday evening after a memorable week with family.
Remembering our mother, who passed away July 29th.
She had a good breakfast, sharing food and love with her manor neighbors. They said she was extra friendly that morning, and even kissed people’s hands who came to say hello. The nurse settled her back in her room in her recliner. A half hour later she came to check on Mom, and Mom’s chin was resting on her chest. She held a kleenex in her hand, which was not crushed or rumpled. This told the story, that she just fell asleep, forever. The nurses said she died as she lived her life. Quietly and without a fuss.
My sister asked her just two weeks ago if she wanted to live to 100. She would have turned 99 this October. She said she didn’t want to.
She got her wish, and now she is reunited with Dad.
it was back to work, on the blog and settling back in at home. We missed blogging most of last week because we didn’t have anything ready before I left. I fully expected life to continue as usual, until it didn’t.
This week we shared (click the gold word to read the post):
Ways to remember lost loved ones at your wedding.
If a loved one has died recently, you might wish to remember your loss by recognizing them on your wedding day.
You can do this privately or publicly, with the ways we share in the post.
Homemade Baby Food Ideas for Healthy Meals.
We found tips and tools to make sure your baby gets the best meals possible when she’s ready for solid food.
There are economical, hand held tools, all the way to expensive, all in one machines for making and freezing baby meals.
Don’t forget to follow the links to blogs with great recipes and baby meal techniques.
Healthy Fall Bowtie Pasta Salad recipe with Kale and Quinoa.
When you taste it you’ll understand why it’s the new favorite around here.
Sewing Pattern Storage: Organize your sewing spaces.
When you haul out your fall fabrics and assemble your patterns to sew your new seasonal garments,
we recommend that you organize your sewing space at the same time.
Throw away old patterns and package, label and file all the patterns you still use in attractive and useful storage ideas.
Before I call, God hears. Before I pray, He answers.
While I was away with my family last week, we shared many, many family memories.
Which included one story of answered prayer after another.
Not the least was the prayers that Covid and quarantine would allow us to have this memorial for our mother.
He answered those prayers, but there was one more hurdle I didn’t even know I needed to pray about before I could come home.
And we’re so thankful He hears our prayers before we speak them.