‘Ink Re-cap 312: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 312: Random Sketches and Scribbles about life in a tiny home-grown stationery shop. Wordless Books, corning ware and balloon crowns.
A Wordless Book?
This week our thoughts have been on serving others as a witness for Christ.
It started on Sunday evening when this was the topic for Church. We had some inspiring reports from people who enjoy going to food banks and shelters.
Around our dinner table on Wednesday we heard more experiences. I told about sharing all our leftover snack food with a homeless man. We were almost home from a long road trip, stopping to eat at a fast food place, when he approached us. You know how the car gets after traveling. I found all kinds of treats and added them to the granola bars left in a box. Someone wondered if the man had accepted my obvious “leftover” offering. They suggested next time I did that I should stick some cash near the top, so they’d see it and be happier to take it.
As our son and his family walked toward a restaurant for dinner, a woman asked for help. He said he’d get her a meal, not having any cash. She was happy with that, so he ordered her a meal. When he brought it out, she was gone, so he placed it by a sleeping bag nearby. When they came out of the restaurant after their meal, a man was eating the food. It didn’t bother the hungry man that he didn’t know the details on the food.
And that brings me to
the Wordless Books
you give to a stranger to begin a spiritual conversation. Some people make their own, as they are small and super simple. You need five solid color pages that you staple into a book. No words or pictures, just the blank colored pages. Gold for Heaven, black for sin, red for Jesus’ blood and forgiveness of sin, then white for a cleansed heart and saved soul. Then gold again, to represent that a saved person will go to Heaven when they die.
What is your favorite way to share?
We’d love to hear your experiences…

‘Ink Re-Cap 312:
Three posts this week:
15 Important Ways To Journal Baby’s First Year

It’s Spring: Robin Book-Page Napkin Rings DIY

The Great Exodus Lesson 11: A Budding Rod

New Products
Don’t miss the Easter Card Suite for 2023. Do you send Easter cards? They’re half price from now until Easter weekend.
Inspirational Easter Card Suite

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inklings of Real Life
Meal Train idea.
You may remember this post about meal trains for new moms. We had one going around last week, and when it came time to package my food for transport I had to think a little. I ended up using a couple of take out trays with lids we brought home from a restaurant. They’d given us too many for the amount of food we wanted to take home. (No, I don’t wash and re-use them! I’m a saver, but not quite like that.) I don’t like to send dishes the recipient has to bring back. Especially if she’s got a tiny baby, which was who last week’s food shower was for.
Well, I just read a tip you may all know about already, but just in case you haven’t heard about it, here it is. Buy Corning ware casseroles at the thrift store or garage sales. They’re usually quite cheap, and might even be cheaper than buying foil pans. That way the food can be reheated in the microwave or the oven, and you won’t be missing dishes from your cupboards that you depend on.
This week we had dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Phoenix, with our guests. Since we had a child in our group, the balloon twister man came to our table. I had my back to him and could only hear his steady stream of jokes as he twisted a hat with a fishing pole for our girl. The one that won the most laughs was this one:
What did the sushi ask the bee? Wasabi?
‘Ink Re-Cap 312: Books of the week:
No Amazon links this week. Just another reminder about placing your VBS orders so we know how many kits to make for this coming season.
The titles link to our shop:
If you’d like more info on them, just shoot us an email.
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‘Ink Re-cap 312 Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote. Fill in the form, and the quote will download. Already on our list? No problem. You get the quote, but you won’t get repeats on emails.
This free fridge quote has expired. You may purchase it for download here.