‘Ink-Re-cap 310: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink-Re-cap 310: Random Sketches and Scribbles
about life in a tiny home-grown stationery shop.
Stay-At-Home-Mom Organizer, Botswana and half price Easter cards.
A Quiet Week
That began with a bang.
Our Sunday morning Church service attendees was about double our summer numbers. It was fun meeting the visitors and finding out you had talked to this one on the phone or this one was a friend to my niece. Etc. No one is really a stranger. Just 7 steps removed from King Charles.
So we had family gathering for lunch with a nephew and his family on spring break. With another 2 nieces, 2 friends and a cousin visiting from out of state.
Then in the evening our DIL’s sister’s family came over with them after Church service. With our BIL with his wife. A rowdy time.
My china-doll (littlest g’little) asked me why I hadn’t been in Church last Sunday evening. I told her my flesh was weak. She looked me up and down, carefully searching for signs of illness, then said, “Where’s your flesh?”
This Sunday my flesh protested on Monday from our busy Sabbath. But it was all great times. No regrets. Except that Kim didn’t feel up to joining us. She’s had a really bad cold that doesn’t seem to want to go away. If it lasts much longer we’ll need to call her doctor, I think. She doesn’t act too sick to do her card and scrapbook stuff, but it can’t be fun constantly having cold symptoms.
So there’s our diary for the week…
Please share your events with us. We’d truly love to hear about all the things.
‘Ink Re-Cap 310:
Four posts this week:
How To Manage Working While Wedding-Planning
DIY Inspirational Tea Party Tags and Wrappers
Stay-At-Home-Mom Organizer Binder for 2023
Slay The Giants Within You: How To Defeat Spiritual Laziness
Freebies for friends
Easter 2023: Free Inspirational Card For A Weekend of Deep Meaning
Stay-At-Home-Mom Organizer Binder for 2023
DIY Inspirational Tea Party Tags and Wrappers
Owl Pre-School Activity Worksheets Printables
Sweeter Than Honey Printables for Bee Themed Nursery
The Stress Free Simple Wedding Planner DIY
New Products
Inspirational Easter Card Suite (half price from now till Easter.)
Herberie Personalized Recipe Album
Owl Preschool Activity Printables: Cutting and Matching Skills
Bond of Love Printables Set of 3 Marriage Bible Verses

And STILL Coming Soon…
a DIY (and handmade cards) with real thread embroidery. I’m totally excited to try this. They’re going to be so fun. I won’t spill any more beans, but they’re going to include embroidery AND one (or maybe two) of my favorite hobbies!!!
Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inklings of Real Life
A 500 view day.
So our website views graph this week looks like the New York City skyline. One column rises high above all the others. The reason is beyond me. The day it happened I watched the views climb, and thought, wow, this is fun. And I thought we’d be on a roll.
Nothing happened. The next day we were back to our usual, between 250 to 300 views per day.
If anyone who reads this knows about such extreme shifts, please have pity on us and tell us what could have happened here.
And how we can replicate it again. And again…
Has anyone been to Zimbabwe? (I talk about it in the next section.)
This is their style of joke:
What’s the capital of Zimbabwe?
‘Ink Re-Cap 310: Books of the week:
The titles link to Amazon.
Tea Time for the Traditionally Built
by Alexander McCall Smith
Kim has this book on her Libby shelf, and it’s fun. As are all this author’s books. I first heard about him from my niece who spent time in Zimbabwe years ago. She enjoys them because they remind her of that special place. I enjoy them because I can imagine I’m in Africa when I read them. And chuckle while I read. I love the vast knowledge McCall Smith has of Botswana. Do you enjoy this author?
Amazon says:
Fans around the world adore the bestselling No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series and its proprietor, Precious Ramotswe, Botswana’s premier lady detective. In this charming series, Mma Ramotswe—with help from her loyal associate, Grace Makutsi—navigates her cases and her personal life with wisdom, good humor, and the occasional cup of tea.
In this installment in the endlessly entertaining series, Precious Ramotswe faces problems both personal and professional.
The first is the potential demise of an old friend, her tiny white van. Recently, it has developed a rather troubling knock, but she dare not consult the estimable Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni for fear he may condemn the vehicle. Meanwhile, her talented assistant Mma Makutsi is plagued by the reappearance of her nemesis, Violet Sephotho, who has taken a job at the Double Comfort Furniture store whose proprietor is none other than Phuti Radiphuti, Mma Makutsi’s fiancé. Finally, the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency has been hired to explain the unexpected losing streak of a local football club, the Kalahari Swoopers. But with Mma Ramotswe on the case, it seems certain that everything will be resolved satisfactorily.
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‘Ink Recap 310 Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote.
How To Get It: