‘Ink-Re-cap 308: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink-Re-cap 308: Random Sketches and Scribbles
about life in a tiny home-grown stationery shop.
Fifty’s diners, first birthday and trauma
Fifty’s Diner Benefit Evening
We walked into the big room filled with tables dressed in white tablecloths with black and white checkered table runners.
The girl waiters all wore ruffled and swirly green seersucker and white aprons with tablets in the pockets. And Mary Janes and saddle shoes and hair ribbons.
The boy waiters wore dark blue jeans with bright yellow stitching, rolled up at the hem. And black aprons with tablets in the pockets.
The interesting thing about the waiters: they were all elementary school age.
But don’t worry. This wasn’t child labor. It was students raising money for their school. They want a ball field without rocks and sand. They want irrigation and grass and white lines and real bases. So they are willing to work hard for weeks making posters and bingo games and Coke can lanterns. And anything else that fits a 50s diner.
And last night, their parents worked hard making the 50s diner food so their children could have a fine ball field.
We were impressed.
Remembering the Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches and french-fries served in red baskets still makes my mouth water. And the dessert! Thrifty ice cream sundaes or banana splits. Yum. And yum!
And the large crowd had a great time along with the delicious meal. All in 50s diner style.
Until some of the littles wandered off to the playground. And then when little Gabe came back in looking for mommy, she wasn’t where he left her. Panic began. Had he been left behind? His wails rose loud and distressingly real. I swooped him up and tried to take him to his grandpa, who is my brother, but Gabe clung to me, because I said we’d find mommy. He doesn’t know me very well, but he believed me when I said we’d find mommy, and in his frantic anxiety he couldn’t even acknowledge his beloved grandpa. My heart went out to him. Will this make it harder for him to leave his mom’s side in future to go play with the other kids? These types of things permanently affect little psyches, even when we don’t see them as very traumatic. I know this from my own memory. And resulting phobias. Even while they weren’t debilitating, they affected my life.
But we can’t protect our children from real life. We can only be there for them and give them what we know how to give them. And pray for them. Because prayer covers where our abilities leave off.

‘Ink Re-Cap 308:
Five posts this week:
How To Order Your Bespoke Wedding Stationery Suite
How To Order Custom Birth Announcements
Make A Handled Bread Serving Board
Owl Pre-School Activity Worksheets Printables
The Great Exodus Lesson 10: Finishing Strong

Fun Freebies
Sweeter Than Honey Printables for Bee Themed Nursery
The Stress Free Simple Wedding Planner DIY
Minimalist Inspirational Nursery Prints Free Download

New Products
Owl Preschool Activity Printables: Cutting and Matching Skills
Herb Botanicals Vintage Kitchen Prints
Dried Florals Recipe Album for Your Family’s Favorites
Bond of Love Printables Set of 3 Marriage Bible Verses

And Coming Soon…
a DIY (and handmade cards) with real thread embroidery. I’m totally excited to try this. They’re going to be so fun. I won’t spill any more beans, but they’re going to include embroidery AND one (or maybe two) of my favorite hobbies!!!

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
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Inklings of Real Life
First Birthday for our Littlest Girl G’little.
The first year of our littlest g’little’s life is now history. Her-story.
Unfortunately we only saw her 3 times in that year, but each of those times is precious, precious, precious.
She started walking a month ago. I think I told you at Christmas how she would stand up in the middle of the room, without holding onto anything. Then she’d plop back down right where she was. So when she started walking, she’d get up wherever she was, then plunge across the room at full speed until a chair or couch or something stopped her. Seems opposite of most babies, who usually hold onto a chair or couch, then venture off from there. But this girl is special, so her talents are special too!
Her daddy told me that her latest entertainment is rock moving. Last summer the boy g’littles and I painted rocks into ladybugs and caterpillars and butterflies. The rocks are decorating the windowsills of their dining room, which are the perfect height for her to reach. She picks up a rock, carries it to a nearby container, such as the laundry basket or Tupperware container. One at a time she drops them into the container, goes back for another, drops it in the basket, and so on until all the rocks are in the container. Then she carries them one by one back to the windowsills. And back to the basket again. But yesterday, the day after her birthday, she stopped midway back to the windowsill, remembering that was the last rock, and went back to get the last rock from the container and took it to the windowsill. Saved herself a trip by using her memory and power of deduction. So exciting to watch littles grow!
‘Ink Recap 308 Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote. The March thankful list.
How To Get It:
Use this form and request Fridge Quote 308.