‘Ink-Re-cap 306: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink-Re-cap 306: Random Sketches and Scribbles
about life in a tiny home-grown stationery shop.
Nightmares, spring flowers, and something new
that’s not blue. Well, not totally.
Are you ready for Valentine’s Day?
Today, on a family chat, a well-meaning cousin reminded the men
that V-Day is coming right up.
My first thought was, “Is this showing love up to the men alone?”
Of course, she was just teasing them, but it was a reminder to me.
And I promptly told my husband I didn’t deserve him, that he went above and beyond, and I loved him so much.
while I was sleeping in, having oblivious nightmares, he was mopping the floor, vacuuming window sills, and going to the store.
I didn’t even hear the vacuum, people. And the noise from the central vac is in a closet right beside our bedroom.
I’m blaming the nightmare. Kim and I were on Vancouver Island, and the St. Lawrence River (yes, I know, opposite shores) spring ice was causing flooding all around the island and we couldn’t get back to the Hilton. And then she was gone, and I was sitting in a scoop thing in front of a jet-ski, being hauled back to the hotel. I just knew she had to turn up, she had to, and I was crying heart-wrenching sobs because I was so scared. And then I woke up, heart pounding. I couldn’t figure out where I was, what was real, what I was supposed to be doing.
I blame Louise Penny.
And Inspector Gamache. Jean-Guy Beauvoir. And Billy or Bob or whatever his name is because he was running the backhoe to break up the blockage in the river so Three Pines wouldn’t flood.
The audio book coming through my ear buds as I went to sleep.
I wouldn’t ordinarily read such scary, swear-y books, for sure to go to sleep, but this is set in Canada. And she makes one actually love Quebec, the one province no one in all the other 9 provinces and 2 territories seems to understand. Except maybe the prime minister.

‘Ink Re-Cap 306:
Four posts this week:
How To Order Handmade Wedding Invitations
How To Make A Bakery Box To Gift Homemade Treats
100 Hundredth-Day-Of-School Activity Ideas
The Negative Power of Distractions And How To Overcome

Fun Freebies
Valentine Owl Tea-Towel Pattern (click to post, then use the link to our contact form to request the pattern.)
Parents Valentine Keepsake Craft

New Products
Dried Florals Recipe Album for Your Family’s Favorites
Bond of Love Printables Set of 3 Marriage Bible Verses
And Coming Soon…
a DIY (and handmade cards) with real thread embroidery. I’m totally excited to try this. They’re going to be so fun. I won’t spill any more beans, but they’re going to include embroidery AND one (or maybe two) of my favorite hobbies!!!
I can’t wait.

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inklings of Real Life
Spring in the Desert
We’ve had some awesome weather this past week, and last Sunday was the best.
Remember how I told you in the last re-cap that my dining table was set for company?
Well, it stayed set, all clean and ready, for most of the week.
Because we, on the spur of the moment, decided to have a chicken picnic at White Tanks.
It was the best. Including the drive over, because the desert is most gorgeously green right now, and the cactus are all puffed up and full of water. And the bushes are huge and blooming all yellow. I didn’t see any orange or purple, yet. They come later.
It was a good day, with good people.
Making memories to keep us through the summer heat.
This one’s for deserts…
Knock, Knock. Who’s there?
Butter- Butter who?
Butter let me in, there’s a tumbleweed after me.
‘Ink Re-Cap 306 Books of the week:
The titles link to Amazon.
Night Angels
by Weina Dai Randel
Another Holocaust story, set in Vienna, based on the true story of a Chinese consul and his American wife, who helped thousands of Jews escape to Shanghai after Kristallnacht.
Amazon says:
1938. Dr. Ho Fengshan, consul general of China, is posted in Vienna with his American wife, Grace. Shy and ill at ease with the societal obligations of diplomats’ wives, Grace is an outsider in a city beginning to feel the sweep of the Nazi dragnet. When Grace forms a friendship with her Jewish tutor, Lola Schnitzler, Dr. Ho requests that Grace keep her distance. His instructions are to maintain amicable relations with the Third Reich, and he and Grace are already under their vigilant eye.
But when Lola’s family is subjugated to a brutal pogrom, Dr. Ho decides to issue them visas to Shanghai. As violence against the Jews escalates after Kristallnacht and threats mount, Dr. Ho must issue thousands more to help Jews escape Vienna before World War II explodes.
Children’s picture books:
Cactus Hotel, Rise and Shine
by Brenda Z. Guiberson, 1993
Beautiful illustrations by Megan Lloyd for a simple story about sahuaro cactus and how they grow.
Amazon description:
It is another hot day in the desert. Birds and other animals scurry about looking for food. When they get tired they stop to rest at a giant cactus. It is their hotel in the desert! Many different animals live in the cactus hotel. It protects them; and they protect it, by eating the pests that could harm the cactus. The cactus grows larger and larger and will live for about two hundred years. When one animal moves out, another moves in. There is never a vacancy in the cactus hotel.
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‘Ink Recap 306 Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote.
How To Get It:
Use this form and request Fridge Quote 306.