‘Ink-Re-cap 304: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink-Re-cap 304: Random Sketches and Scribbles on a sunny Saturday of a balmy desert winter. Full of links to our week’s posts, new products and freebies.
Our yesterday’s post talked about celebrating friendships.
Well, we had an impromptu galentine’s party poolside for lunch yesterday.
I think sometimes spur of the moment turns out better than super-planned parties, which come with their share of stress.
This one included a little stress, too, but it was short-lived and the end result was a relaxing fun time.
Kim’s long planned fabric-shopping day.
Weeks ago we heard one of Kim’s favorite cousins was coming to spend 10 days here with her parents. As soon as she heard, Kim decided this would be the perfect time to go to our rat’s nest fabric store to stock up for the year’s dresses. Because she knew her cousin would want fabric to take back home to Canada, too.
So yesterday was the day. Kim, her SIL and I headed to my sister’s apartment, where they picked up Kim’s cousin and I stayed with my sister. The plan was for them to pick up pizza for lunch on the way back, and we’d eat poolside. It was the perfect day for it, and we were joined by another SIL and niece (Kim’s other cousin spending time here this winter while her husband trains horses.)
After lunch the sturdy Canadian relatives jumped into the pool, with many side trips to the hot tub. The pool is set at 67° so once you’re in, you have to stay in to survive. Even for them, used to colder water in their lakes.
We had so much fun, we had to call grandpa to get the biggest g’littles from school!
So today I’m prewashing Kim’s 6 fabric pieces.
She’s excitedly planning the designs, which I’ll sew over the next few months. Kim is hoping to be able to move to a ranch two hours from here, so her lists for what she’ll need for the move are growing.
If and when this move happens, we’ll update you. But her ability to relax and enjoy herself this week is thanks to all of you, family and friends. Your prayers. Good thoughts. Your well-wishes, spoken and unspoken. We feel angels wings holding us up.
Oh, and another shout out to the savvy doctor she had at the hospital, who listened to us both, and worked on Kim’s med cocktail until she hit on a recipe that works for now. She added a calming pill to take with the anti-depressive in the morning. I’ve been wishing for a chance to try this for awhile, and hospitalization is the only time a major med change can happen. It’s not easy orchestrating meds for autism with co-morbids of other disorders, so kudos to this doctor for trying so hard!

‘Ink Re-Cap 304:
The last week’s posts:
The Bond of Love Creates Unity In A Marriage
Blueberry Cookie Crumble Bars: Easy-Gourmet Dessert
Paper Rocket Valentine DIY: Printable Card-Making Activity
Best Galentine’s Day Ever: Celebrate the Bonds of Friendship

Fun Freebies and New Products
Bond of Love Printables Set of 3 Marriage Bible Verses
Owl Preschool Activity Printables: Cutting and Matching Skills
Owl Number Practice Printables: Color and Count to 10
Valentine Owl Tea-Towel Pattern (click to post, then use the link to our contact form to request the pattern.)
Parents Valentine Keepsake Craft

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inklings of Real Life
My niece scored big at the thrift stores this week.
Have you heard of “the Sak” purses? I hadn’t either, but when my niece showed me the little crossbody bag she found for THREE DOLLARS at the thrift store this week, I could tell immediately it had class.
It was in like new condition. It held her phone and had a zipper pocket for the little goodies you can’t leave home without. We looked online and that little purse? It is still available in stores and on The Sak website for… wait for it… $60 to $80!!!
Then at another thrift store she found a matching large tote for SEVEN DOLLARS. Oh, there’s a little purse envy going on here. I’ll admit it.
Look it up. The matching back pack/tote bag sells brand new for ONE HUNDRED TWENTY NINE DOLLARS!
Okay, I’m done shouting. But can you believe it? So don’t give up on thrift stores.
‘Ink Re-Cap 304 Books of the week:
The titles link to Amazon. Of whom we are affiliates, so if you click over to Amazon, then buy something, we get a tiny stipend from their enormous stash. Won’t change your price, so no worries there.
Teenagers and up:
The Radium Girls
by Kate Moore
Kim found this in our online Libby library and enjoyed reading the young adult version.
Amazon says this about the adult version:
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‘Ink Recap 304 Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote, for the upcoming Galentine’s Day… two cards to print and share with your gal pals.
How To Get It:
Use this form and request Fridge Quote 304.

Very glad to hear that Kim’s feeling better! Shopping! So much fun when you find such goodies
Thanks, it is good Kim isn’t feeling quite so anxious all the time.
And yes, you need to come check out the shopping!!