‘Ink Re-Cap 191: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 191: Random Sketches and Scribbles
on a quiet New Year’s Eve
after the most wonderful Christmas ever.
Christmas 2022 is over. Sigh.
So we had the best Christmas ever this year.
You ask how I can truthfully say that, since I’ve probably said it before about other Christmases?
Well, I happen to believe that every Christmas is the best ever.
Because every Christmas is a brand new celebration of the Birth of our Lord,
and that is perfect every time.
But this year the whole family was together.
So that’s another reason to call it the best ever. The g’littles are all at the perfect age right now to have the most fun. Tweenagers, still in the best grades in school (plus one 5 year old and one baby under 1).
Just to show you how enamored we are with the grands, I’ll tell you a story.
The oldest 4 were on the trampoline one evening when “riiiii-pppppp” and they all fell down. The material tore right across the middle. They all came in, straight to Grandpa, and said, “We need a new trampoline!”
Well, we got to bed late that night, the night before Christmas Eve. Grandpa said he was exhausted and wondered if he’d recover by morning. Keeping up with g’littles ain’t easy, people!
So morning comes early after all, like 6:00 early compared to our 9:00 holiday breakfast time. Grandpa pops up like a kid on Christmas morning and goes shopping, and that afternoon the men and kids are all busy putting up a new trampoline. Not even one day without a trampoline! Talk about spoiled g’littles.
And a very merry Christmas for us all!

‘Ink Re-Cap 191:
The meager last two week’s posts:
Delicious Christmas Coffee Recipe
How To Help Kids Make Meaningful Resolutions for the New Year
The Great Exodus Lesson 9: Miriam’s Leprosy

Some New Year Freebies
from this week and from the past:
Child’s Meaningful Resolutions Guide Printable
Children’s New Year’s Resolutions the Bible Way
Botanicals January Menu Planner Pages
Adorable DIY Sock Snowmen (not a printable, but a fun January project you probably can make for free.)

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inklings of Real Life
The Littlest G’little Plays Possum
I can’t resist documenting this first Christmas for our littlest girl g’little.
Her family stayed with us for 6 days, and in that entire time she would only let Grandpa and Grandma hold her if her mama or daddy was around. If it was just the kids, forget it. She gladly let the other g’littles, and Kim, hold her. But not us.
She was totally happy playing on the floor, crawling, standing, perched on one knee with the other leg stretched to one side. She’s an acrobat that girl. She’ll climb anything, like the kid’s rocking chair. Not to sit in it, though. She’s way too busy. She climbs onto the seat, stands and tries to get over the back.
We didn’t know if she’d stay away from the steps to the basement, so I got the expandable gate. I didn’t even have it secured, and she was putting her pretty little feet onto the grids, climbing up it, about to go over. And when we gave up on the gate? She stayed away from the steps.
But the funniest of all was if I tried to pick her up when her parents weren’t around. She’d go limp. Played possum, sprawled on her tummy, with her head down on the floor, face first. When she thought the danger was over she’d pop up and start playing again. Cutest thing ever.
What do you call a group of possums?
A possy.
‘Ink Re-Cap 191 Books of the week:
The title links to Amazon. Of whom we are affiliates, so if you click over to Amazon, then buy something, we get a tiny stipend from their enormous stash. Won’t change your price, so no worries there.
Otherwise Known as Possum
by Maria de Laso
Good, old-fashioned style middle-school level novel set in the South during the Depression. Poor Possum’s mama and baby brother died, and now the town ladies think she needs to attend school. She doesn’t want to change anything, in case the memories of her mother go away. Funny, yet heartbreaking. Oh, and even though it’s for grades 4 to 7, this grandma thoroughly enjoys it.
Amazon says:
A heart-expanding debut that introduces the most charming, mischievous, unforgettable heroine since Scout Finch.
Playing Possum
by Jennifer Black Reinhardt
Cutest picture book with a fun story.
Amazon description:
Meeting strangers makes shy possum Alfred anxious, and he plays dead. So he has trouble making friends—until Sophia the armadillo reveals that when she gets anxious, she rolls up in a ball. A witty friendship tale inspired by animal behavior.
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‘Ink Recap 191 Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote, a new 2023 one page calendar.
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