‘Ink Re-Cap 188: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 188: Random Sketches and Scribbles
on a chilly fall morning with Christmas in the air.
Do you feel Christmas?
You’re living fall and Thanksgiving
and feeling the colors and the gratitude and the new cooler weather,
and then suddenly, maybe the day after Thanksgiving,
something totally switches in your mind.
I don’t know what it is,
because as you all know, not much changes with the weather here in the desert.
There’s no snow. No sudden cold snap. No certain smell.
But one day, you wake up,
and you feel Christmas around the corner and you pull out the heavy Rubbermaid box with rolled up music and star shaped baskets and random fleece snowballs,
and you just know that it’s time for carols and cookies and gift wrap and clear tape.
This last week was definitely that time for us here at kimenink.
Christmas is in the air!

‘Ink Re-Cap 188:
This week’s posts:
Wedding Ceremony Details Page DIY Wedding Planner
Pregnancy Announcement Ideas For The Holidays
Christmas Meal Organizer Kit For Family Gatherings
5 Christmas Star DIYs To Make With Sheet Music and More

Some Christmas Freebies:
Christmas Desk Candy DIY From Upcycled Old Books
Minimalist Christmas Star Gift Tags

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inklings of Real Life
Why does everything break when you leave?
Well, not everything, but you probably know what I’m talking about.
You leave for a week, and come home to disaster.
I was so full of Spirit and energy and ambitions when we came home from our Church Conference.
I was ready to dive into all the work and create all kinds of Holiday merriment for the g’littles (and bigs)
and instead,
my printers didn’t work, our bathroom had leak issues and I got sick. So sick I didn’t even want to put earbuds in to listen to a book, never mind read one.
After two weeks most of our issues are fixed and we’re planning to attend a reception this evening.
The moral of the story? Everything gets better if you can muster the patience to slog through.
Chuckle (Groan)
Talking about things not working.
What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?
A can’t opener.
Books of the week:
The title links to Amazon. Of whom we are affiliates, so if you click over to Amazon, then buy something, we get a tiny stipend from their enormous stash. Won’t change your price, so no worries there.
A Christmas Memory
by Richard Paul Evans
The latest book by the author of A Christmas Box. If the word on the media is right, this is one of his best books so far. I’ve only read bits of it yet. Saving it for the quiet Christmas days!!
And even if the story isn’t great, the book is beautiful. Deckle edge pages… yummy.
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‘Ink Recap 188 Fridge Quote
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