‘Ink Re-Cap 178: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 178:
Random Sketches and Scribbles
Announcing a contest, some freebies, and appointment fatigue.
September is the Second January
That’s what I read in one of the many email newsletters I subscribe to.
Maybe Gretchen Rubin. Thistlewood Farms. Ann Voskamp. Or someone else with great thoughts and ideas.
I don’t remember.
But whoever it was, she said she looked forward to September because with the kids going back to a new year of school, it felt like another January. Another January to begin new projects and/or begin new challenges.
So we want to do something fun.
We’re a little weary of our current life of medical appointments and difficult diagnoses. Kim is anxious and sad too much.
We need a boost.
We need some fun.
So we’re going to have a competition between all our friends on our email list and then get excited and do a little -or big- happy dance when someone wins.
We don’t know yet what the competition or the prize will be. This is just an announcement that an announcement is coming and probably breaks all the rules of having a successful competition.
In fact, we want to know what you want to win from us. Fill out this form and give us your ideas. What should we give away? Nothing is too outrageous. As long as it’s in our line of creation.
Put on your thinking caps, let us know what you come up with, and we’ll announce the competition next week on our recap.
Please be excited with us, because we seriously need a change about now…
‘Ink Re-Cap 178:
Posts this week…
DIY Linen Bread Bag: No More Stale Boule
Fall Preschool Educational Printables
Seller of Purple: A Biblical Study of Wild Generosity
This week’s freebies:
Fall Preschool Educational Printables
Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
Our posts include some affiliate links. If you purchase an item through the link we may receive a small commission from Amazon. This does not affect your purchase price of any items.
Inspiring Inklings of Real Life
Psych Evaluation
I imagine very few of our readers have ever had a psych evaluation.
Kim and I feel as though we’ve gone through a thousand of them.
Every new doctor. Every new therapist. Any new program. Each different job application through an agency.
They all ask the same questions. And what do we get?
The same old, same old.
So we were really psyched for this new evaluation this week
that is supposed to be the all in all, complete government-qualified lawyer-proof evaluation.
We went in yesterday for Kim to have a 45 minute session.
Today she and I had a video call with another expert.
We scheduled a video call for the 21st that is to be a report on their findings,
and a diagnosis we can take to the bar. If we need to.
And guess what?
We didn’t answer any questions we haven’t answered a million times before.
we simply fall back on trust. Trust that this time there will be conclusive evidence no one concluded on before.
This time there will suggestions that we can follow up on that will bring the results we yearn for.
Please will you pray with us that this will happen?
A Brainteaser this week:
This puzzle first began as a man buys a horse, but we’ll make it more interesting…
A girl buys a chair for $60. She sells the chair for $70 because she bought matching living room furniture. Then she buys the chair back for $80 because it really was a comfortable chair. And sells the chair again for $90 because it doesn’t match the new color in her living room. In the end, how much money did the girl make or lose? Or did she break even?
You can put the answer in the comments…
Book of the week:
Telling Yourself the Truth
by William Backus and Marie Chapian
It takes a lot of faith to believe what others tell you when your thoughts and ideas seem so right in your own mind!
Amazon Review:
Wrong thinking produces wrong emotions, wrong reactions, wrong behavior–and unhappiness! Learning to deal with your thoughts is the first step on the road to healthy thinking.
How to handle one’s thoughts properly is what this book is all about! It explains the life-changing method the authors call Misbelief Therapy, and it can work for you–In your home. In your own circumstances. In your own problems. Your own adverse environment. In your own thinking.
Based on the Bible, this book has helped thousands of people for many years, and it can help you!
Telling Yourself the Truth can show you how to identify your own misbeliefs and replace them with the truth.
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Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote.
How To Get It:
Go here to check out Quote 178 for free from our Shop Printable section. No strings attached.
She made $20. When will we get the answer?
Pretty soon. Are you sure you’re right? Lol…