‘Ink Re-Cap 176: Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 176:
Random Sketches and Scribbles
More about linen, endless forms, and a little rant about government.
We Love Linen
Deja vu to you, too?
Yep, we’re still hooked on the subject.
After all, one of us (or both, who knows?) may have autism, and that means we lock minds on a subject until it’s exhausted.
Just a warning.
But pure flax linen?
It feels as if we’ve merely scratched the surface so far.
We think you’ll agree if you read the posts from this week.
‘Ink Re-Cap 176:
Our posts this week…
Make Real Linen Invitations Using These Fabulous Tips
Making A Personalized Linen Baby Pillow For Our Littlest Glittle
Pure Flax Linen Eye-Candy: Natural Beauty in the Kitchen
Pretend Play Activity Ideas: Kick-Starter List for Bored Preschoolers
Why Did I Poke That Dog: How To Keep My Soul Pure

Some products to check out that remain popular:
Digital Letter to Your Future Son-in-Law
Personalized Letter to Your Future Daughter-in-Law
Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
* means it’s an affiliate link. If you purchase an item through the link we get recognition for sending you over to Amazon. As if they need any help, but there you have it. They like us better if we do that, even though it doesn’t change any prices. Links without an asterisk mean they are not affiliate.
Inspiring Inklings of Real Life
The Week of Paperwork
As we shared a couple of weeks ago, the inscrutable US Government approved Kim for SSI.
This is a paragraph from one of the 2 million packets of information they mailed via snail mail,
after we filled out 2 million forms online to save said snail mail (we thought):
Of course, I’m definitely illiterate when it comes to translating forms into English.
You guys would breeze through all this endless red tape.
And that’s not the only forms we filled this week.
The lawyer told us it would help to have a new medical evaluation for Kim
so we started working on that. Our first doctor, days before the first appointment, went on indefinite medical leave. We filled out more forms, and then, the second doctor said she didn’t have enough credentials for the government.
So we started over for the third time. Endless forms. Endless waiting. Equally endless emails.
And now we have an appointment for a week from Monday, with a Zoom call that next Thursday.
With a video call for Kim next week with her therapist and her psychiatrist.
I will just say, the celebration over having scored SSI?
It’s lost on Kim. She has always dreaded medical appointments, and a check from the government she won’t see because it will go straight into the bank doesn’t make up for that.
So can you please, the first week of September, remember us in your prayers?
We need it.
Favorite Chuckle this week:
If you boil a funny bone it becomes a laughing stock…
That’s humerus.
(Sorry. That one hurts. But it did instigate a convo with a niece, so it’s worth it.)
Books of the week:
Sorry, no books again this week.
My escape was into audio novels that don’t rate mention. But at least they made me laugh. Yes, out loud, eliciting worried looks from my concerned husband.
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Fridge Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote.
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