‘Ink Re-Cap 154. Random Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 154.
Random Sketches and Scribbles
about Conspiracy Theories, Northern Lights,
and Sleepover Saturday giggles with the g’littles
(at the wrong time, of course.)
It’s hard to believe we’ve been home a week already. Our time on the Little Farm always goes too fast. And then we’re left with memories and loneliness.
We were to keep the three girl g’littles from Wednesday to Saturday this week, while their mom and dad went to our Area School Meeting for Boards and Teachers. They’d been looking forward to going to California, and staying with old friends during this time. And then… their mom came home from a trip to see her sisters (and a 40th Birthday party for one of them) with a bad cold. Then fever. Then a test confirmed Covid.
Everyone was disappointed, but at least the girls came for a Saturday Sleepover. We are having a great time, of course! (And getting the giggles at all the wrong times. These girls can’t figure their grandma out. But I guess it’s good to keep them on their toes. We were reading bedtime stories, when a thought set me off, and I couldn’t stop. The littlest g’little was worried because I had tears running down my cheeks. I wish I could tell you what was so horribly funny (it was horrible, because I needed to stop and I couldn’t. As soon as I did, one of them would look at me to see if I was laughing, and I’d start up again). Anyway, it was fun.
Covid is so scary these days. Last year it was the staying home part that got to us. This year it’s the hospitalizations and deaths of younger people that are getting to us. People who seem perfectly healthy, who suddenly end up in sedated comas, on oxygen and intubated. And some don’t make it. This is a new risk we never had to face just two years ago. Seems incredible.
But God is with us all and knows best. We pray for the sick and suffering every day.
If that’s you right now, know you are on our list.

‘Ink Re-Cap 154: Our Week on the Blog
We’re not sure if you’ll agree with us about Best Bride-to-Groom Wedding Gift. We’re not saying this has to be your only gift. But it’s a good basis to start a Christian marriage, and implies to your groom that you will respect his place in your home that God has ordained for marriages.
It makes us sad when we hear about babies who become angels before they are born, or right after. So we made this tribute to Remembering An Angel Baby: Printable For A Time of Loss. Follow the link to get a free printable to use as a gift, sympathy card, or for yourself if you find yourself grieving.
Last week at the Little Farm on the River, Mrs. Farmer made Fabulous Skillet-Fried Green Beans – with frozen green beans put up from her garden. Soooo good.
Also, last week, we (or I, while Mrs. Farmer cooked) sewed maternity dresses, and she showed me How to Design a Quarter Circle Skirt Pattern her way. Then I showed her my way, which are the two options we share on this tutorial.
We listened to a great lecture on Romans 5:5 this week, and this post was inspired by those thoughts.

The World Outside Our Work Window
We actually didn’t see much outside our workroom this week.
Our wifi was giving us problems, so we ordered a new modem. It was different from any that we’d installed before, so that caused a little stress. I still don’t have all the peripherals connected. I think these companies want more money and force us to buy new routers every little bit by putting a kink in the gears. If a computer has gears.
Yep, I’m a conspiracy theorist. Because if it isn’t the internet companies, it’s probably Murphy’s Law, or that Black Angel that roams the earth seeking whom he may devour. Or in this case, what. We had to call in the second generation to hook this one up for us, and now the printers are going to prove me wrong and we’ll have to call him back. I told him I thought we could handle the rest, after he got the main computer connected. I was so foolish.
Plus, another big issue is this bot from Uzbekistan or somewhere trying to put foreign language spam comments on our website. I mean, 18 in one day? My trusty website whiz gave me the name of a plug-in to try, and the comments slowed down, but didn’t stop completely. I might have to try another one. Or get a better Akismet.
‘Ink Re-Cap 154 Search Engine Spotlight:
This is the post of the week:
17 of the Best Secret Pal Gifts.
With free printable gift tags.
Have you ever done secret sisters groups? We had one last winter. It was fun, but takes a little planning. We hope this post can give you some inspiration. And us, if we ever do it again and can’t think of anything to do.
If you have some ideas we didn’t talk about, please share!

Note: There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about. The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.
* means it’s an affiliate link. If you purchase an item through the link we get recognition for sending you over to Amazon. As if they need any help, but there you have it. They like us better if we do that, even though it doesn’t change any prices. Links without an asterisk mean they are not affiliate.
Christmas Sale!!!
It is 49 days until Christmas Day 2021!
Are you making lists and planning menus and… getting out your Christmas Card addresses?
And so we’ve created our
First Annual/Pre-Black Friday/Holiday Hullabaloo
Yes, we’re excited. Use the golden link to see all the Christmas we are discounting for our special GIFTees. Which is you, if you signed up for our email list!
Inspiring Inklings of Real Life
Book of the week: “Julia Child, A Life”*
Do you love cooking and reading about great cooks?
If not, this book is for you. Julia Child didn’t even learn to cook till she was 32 and planning to get married!
I didn’t know much about this famous cook until I listened to this book. It’s not an in-depth, wordy book, so it’s my style of biography. Just the good stuff. And fast-paced.
A children’s book:
“Easy Bake Oven Cookbook: Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Recipes“*
by Hasty Tasty Chef, 2018
Does your little have an EZ Bake Oven? Then this is the cookbook to have, because it saves buying all the mixes for the oven. These are scratch recipes, easy enough for children.
The g’littles are into Knock-Knock jokes right now. This is the funniest one we came across:
Who’s there?
Mustache who?
I mustache you a question, but I’ll shave it for later.
Random Factoid:
In 2011 the Northern Lights were visible as far south as Oklahoma. But a record was probably set at the Battle of Fredericksburg in Virginia in 1862, during the Civil War, when the northern lights appeared and many soldiers noted it in their diaries.
Inspiring Quote
Now for the week’s fridge quote.
This one has special meaning to me, so even if you all may not like the style, I wanted to share it.
This is a photo of the northern lights. Someone took the picture 2 nights ago in Alaska. It’s not a high quality photo, but it’s as close to a picture I have in my memory of a night long ago, when my sister, friend and I were enjoying the night sky and the Aurora Borealis gave us a show. White light made a funnel just like this, and we were so awed. I felt all shivery and expectant, as if, maybe Jesus was coming back to earth.
So this photo is kind of stolen, as I don’t know who took it, so don’t try selling it or anything, lol.
Are you brave enough to be a light like the northern lights? Awesome strength and beauty there!
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