‘Ink Re-Cap 136 Random Inklings of Our Week
‘Ink Re-Cap 136.
Random inklings of our week.
VBS overload. When will summer be over? Trip planning.
Gold foiling. Fridge quote of the week.
When you live your life as a VBS factory
there comes a time when you want all the Bible Story books and cotton balls and Jonah whales and craft sticks and star stickers to go far, far away.
That’s terrible, I know.
But Kim and I are just millimeters from that point right now.
If we get one more order, people!
Please, send one more order, so we can see what happens…
It could be the miracle of the year.
Hey, how was your week?
Are you having Summer Bible School right now?
Using our books, maybe?
If you are, I pray you got all the pieces you need and we didn’t forget to put in the wheat so you have no idea what to do with Ruth’s wheat sheaf. Don’t you love the story of the sandal? When you want your cousin to marry someone so you don’t have to, you give them a sandal. “Here, try walking in my shoes!”
For those of you who are frustrated by our season’s end disorganization, we apologize.
Kim is always plotting ways we can do this better next year. “Mom, next year, we’re going to…”
And I say, “Great. Let’s do it!”
So next year, prospective purchasers, you will get real Kim service!
‘Ink Re-Cap 136 Random Inklings
The week’s blog posts:
Hand Poured Wax Seals for Wedding Mailing
Sip and See Baby Welcome Party and Invitation Ideas
Easy Monogram Sea Shell Craft for Summer Fun
10 VBS Attendance Chart Ideas Name Them 1×1
No Kitchen post this week. We couldn’t climb the mountain of hump day. Sorry. Next week we’ll try to finish the post we started this week. We’re sort of excited about it.

YAY! We got added to a magazine!
This week we got an email from allfreekidscrafts.com saying they added one of our crafts to their magazine! (Maybe a little out of season, but hey, it makes us happy.)
Please use the link to check it out, show us some click love, then do a celebratory twirl for us!
That’s another sort of exciting thing, isn’t it?

‘Ink Re-Cap 136 most read posts:
Oh, baby! How we love creating stationery products for babies!
Honey Bee Baby Nursery: Paint, Wall and Décor Ideas
Little Dreamer Boho Chic Baby’s First Year Calendar
There’s a side bar on all blog pages that helps you get to the topic you most want to read about.
The main topics are Weddings, Babies, Kitchen, Crafts and Inspirational Stuff.

Top Sellers This Week
Our top shippings were the same this week: VBS Books and Craft Kits.
We also did a big special order of 50 gold foiled Thank You Notes (for a girl’s graduation gifts). We have 30 more to go.
Don’t forget, we love special orders. OOAK works great to beat the repetition blues.
BTW, does anyone know where to buy gold foil for embossing in bulk?
Shout out: Don’t forget Father’s Day! Only one more week! Too late for us to ship an order to you, but not too late for us to SWAK it straight to your dad!
(Seems we’re all about acronyms this week. Sorry.)

Inspiring Inklings of the Best Life
Travel Plans!
We have the best plans ever for the end of the month. Our son, his wife and our girl g’littles plan to drive to Nebraska next week to visit our second son and his family.
on Friday, we fly to Grand Island to join them!
We’ll all be together for 3 or 4 days of family time, on the little farm by the river.
Where the train swooshes by once a day, near enough to hear the whistle.
There’s only one drawback to this happy plan.
Kim won’t be going, as she doesn’t tolerate travel very well and prefers not to expose herself to the stress. And the noise a whole family together makes. I wish she knew someone there well enough to stay in a quiet place most of the time, and join us for short times. But there’s still the travel piece. So please pray for her that she won’t get too lonesome and sad about missing out.
Inspiring Books:
My must-read book list includes this title for this week. If you’ve read it, let me know what you thought of it.
Our title choice for children is this book.
Punctuation, Authors, and Writing
Our totally useless factoid for the week.
Here’s the paper every writer needs when writer’s block hits. Tongue firmly in cheek.
If you enjoy strange books, here’s one to check out.
Inspiring Quote
Get the fridge quote when you sign up to download it here. (Say “get Quote 136.”)