‘Ink Re-Cap 133: Scratches, Scribbles and Inklings About Life
‘Ink Re-Cap 133.
More sketches and scribbles and inklings about life.
Plus an inspiring quote to download
AND prints to make summer shelf sitters.
(These aren’t available on the blog!)
This was truly a fascinating week.
We ran the whole gamut of products through our design shop,
from birth announcements and keepsake calendars,
to wedding invitation suites,
to memorial brochures.
It felt like we lived a whole lifetime in 5 days!
Not really, of course.
But it did make me ponder the stages of life, and the seeming brevity of time.
It depends which end of the stages you’re at: if you’re at the beginning, from childhood to teen,
it seems like forever.
If you’re looking back at the stages… well, many people have said it better than I could.
‘Ink Re-Cap 133 Sketches and Scribbles
Here’re our post offerings of the week.
It seems “random” applies to “word of the week.”
And thanks to my son, Ty, for the inspo for Friday’s post.
New Summer Wedding Color Inspiration Boards
Get That 70s Boho Vibe in Baby’s Nursery + Free Printable
15 Kitchen Gadget Hacks That Will Surprise You
Random Dad Inventions: Honoring the Best Father Ever
Keeping A Heart Garden: A Daily God Attitude
Monday Glee
Well, I guess that is the way my husband and I both felt last weekend.
Just plain, old fashioned, child-like glee.
You know. Giddy. Smile for no reason. Life is golden.
Yeah, like that. Totally child-like.
And what is it that can reduce two sixty-somethings to that state?
(Or would The Happy Queen Gretchen say elevate us?)
Here’s the story I know you want to hear, and by now I feel a bit foolish telling.
So on Saturday we’re finally signing papers and the realtor is listing this home my husband has been transforming from ghetto to gold for the last 3 months. Maybe 6 months? He slaved over that one last labor of love for his mom. Bless her sweet, sweet soul. We miss her.
Anyway, she owned a rental property that needed to be sold after she passed so we could close her estate. And let’s just say the dear folks who rented it the last 10 years were parkers. Existers. They didn’t live with glee. (I’m beginning to dislike that word.)
At 10:00 pm Saturday the house is up on all the realtor sites. Sunday by noon 17 people had viewed it and we had 3 offers. On Monday we had 21 offers, and 3 of them were above the listing price. Like, $20K above.
It wasn’t that we were counting our windfall. Because after all is said and done there won’t be a windfall.
But it’s just the feeling of having something people want, and they’ll go above and beyond to get it. It’s like selling at Christie’s and you’re waiting to see who’ll win.
The reality for realtors in our city? They have 30,000 buyers and 3000 homes for sale.
What word would you use for that feeling?
‘Ink Re-Cap 133 Most read posts of the week:
I love it when people click on our Cricut tutorials.
Love Wedding Card Tutorial Using Cricut Design Space
And this post came in second,
The Alabaster Jar: Pouring Precious Oil on Jesus’ Feet
Note: There’s a side bar on our blog pages that tells me what’s being looked at. It’s supposed to help me figure out what to write about next, I think, based on what people are reading most. Hmm.

New Products in our Shop
Vintage Globe Father’s Day Card
for the best Dad in the entire world.
Personalized Boho Rainbow Print
or get the free download (email GIFTees) here.
Top Sellers This Week
I hope this card that we send out over and over
is the blessing we send along with the mailing.
I think about the unknown recipients of these cards the whole time I make and package them,
and pray God will comfort them.
So if you get one of these, know that there were prayers accompanying it besides than from the person who sent it to you. ♥
Lots of these going out this week:
Faithful Friends Children’s Bible Lessons
Inspiring Inklings of Real Life
Fun Times:
This morning we woke up to rain!!!
That is always cause for celebration in our desert valley.
And it was so-o-o-o cool!
We were actually cooler some days this week than up in Canada where my family lives.
Which isn’t as uncommon for this time of year as one might think.
Our grandchildren’s last day of school playday was last week,
but this week would have been much better weather.
Well, I don’t think the children complained about the heat, and that’s who it was for.
All the parents and grandparents coming to their school to play with and watch them play is a special annual treat for everyone.
Inspiring Story:
This Free PDF Booklet about Prayer. I plan to use it for devotion time this next week.
Inspiring Book: “If You Will Ask” by Oswald Chambers
I haven’t actually read this book, but I want to.
I need to take prayer more seriously; I’ve neglected it too much: I want to have action prayers instead of thought-of prayers.
In the spirit of prayer stories, this book is also on my “to-read” list:
“Where Angels Walk” by Joan Wester Anderson.
Have you read it? Or any of her other angel books?
Sometimes I’m wary about angel books, but I’ll give this one a test drive.
Punctuation, Authors, and Writing
Our totally useless factoid for the week. Well, duh.
Did you know pizza could be made at home?
I used to, and this cute children’s book just could get me into trying it again with the g’littles when they come for Saturday Sleepover next week.
More Inklings
We love this. The innocent faith of a child.
And this, for later.
And this, for solving problems of another sort.
Kim has been experimenting with healthy fish entrees, and she likes this recipe.
I met a sweet gal from Texas the other day, and I asked her about my Texas blogger friends that I just know I would have looked up if I lived in Texas. And she’d only heard of Magnolia, and not much about them. How does she exist? Offline?? Kudos for her. I was a lot proud of her for spending her time unaware!! (But seriously, where does she put her couch?)
Inspiring Quote
The quote for your scrapbook is up above, and you can sign up to download it here. (Say “get Quote 133.”)
(The Summer Shelf Sitters prints are available on the Saturday email. If you didn’t get it, ask us how you can.)