‘Ink Re-Cap 132, More Sketches and Scribbles
‘Ink Re-Cap 132.
More sketches and scribbles and inklings of life.
Plus an inspiring quote to download
and print to hang or give away.
Have you ever had that week that didn’t seem like it would ever end?
And yet you wanted to grab every busy moment
and hug it tight
because it was a week for making memories?
That’s the kind of week this was.
This was the last week of school for our g’littles.
So there was the program, where all 14 students from kindergarten to eighth grade giddily marched up in front of the waiting crowd and showed us how much they’d grown this past year. They were happy, excited and just knew they had something amazing going on.
And they did.
This year, their program was a trip back in time to Peg-leg Joe, who taught slaves all across the south how to escape by following the drinking gourd.
I don’t know how they did it with their simple actions and slow, keening songs, but they took us with them into those fields of cotton. Hoeing, hoeing, hoeing. Singing, singing, singing. While the white field manager stood by to warn anyone who slacked off. Then Joe gathering them around his lantern in the night teaching them the poem that would help them find their way to freedom.
I think every heart in the room was aching for the people who lived that long-ago life.
‘Ink Re-Cap 132 Sketches and Scribbles
It wasn’t easy getting out our 5 posts for the week,
but we did it.
Because this was children’s week and those posts are always the most fun.
“Whither Thou Goest” Hand Lettered Map DIY
Summer First Birthday Party: Boy and Girl Inspo Boards
How to Stamp Cork Coasters: Easy Last Minute Gift
3 Father’s Day Grilling Gifts To DIY With Stencils
God Created Land and Plants: Day 3 God’s Creation Story
Mother’s Day Memories
We had a lovely Mother’s Day last Sunday.
My son and DIL cooked an awesome grilled lunch.
With our favorite (homemade) cheesecake for dessert. Mmm.
But the best Mother’s Day story comes from my niece.
She and her daughters helped her brother sell turkey legs in his festival booth on Saturday.
Her 6 year old got a $1 tip from a customer.
She promptly took her one dollar and went down the avenue of booths to buy a Mother’s Day gift for her mom. She headed for the greenhouse booth, because she knows her mama. Then she picked out a hanging basket.
The greenhouse lady fell in with the spirit of giving and sold her the hanging basket – for $1 total!
Can you even?
My niece was overwhelmed. First of all that her 6 year old promptly spent her money on a gift for her mama, then that she knew what her mama loved most of all, and finally, the lady selling the basket for that price.
Sometimes life is amazing.
Most read posts this week:
We’re getting lots of traffic to our Bible Lessons for children posts
with summer vacation Bible school time nearing.
This post was the most read:
Scripture Cake: Where Bible Study Meets Baking
And this post came in second,
probably because people like keepsake DIYs around Mother’s and Father’s Day:
Handprints for Keepsake Wall Decor
New Products in our Shop
Fitzgerald Quote Father’s Day Card
Botanical Watercolor Father’s Day Card
Top Sellers This Week
I love sending out this card.
Another favorite that goes out often:
Succulent Recipe Keeper for Your Family Favorites
Inspiring Inklings of Real Life
Fun Times:
So yesterday was our annual picnic for students and families to celebrate their freedom from school for the term.
We always have some games and relays and of course a balloon toss that ends in an all out water fight where most get at least a little wet, and some majorly wet.
So one of the relays was dads and children running a “Pony Express” race. Two wheelbarrows each decked out with a haybale wearing a saddle. The student dons a hat, grabs the “mail bag” and puts it on the saddle horn, climbs in the saddles, then dad pushes the “horse” along the trail to the next mail station, which is actually back to start. They squeeze through a pass, which is two logs, with a wind machine doing it’s best to blow their hat off. (If the hat comes off, the rider must dismount, get the hat, remount, and continue the race. Next they ride through a “rain storm” which is teachers standing by the way with water guns. Then they turn around and do it all again.
One dad had a big boy on his pony’s saddle, and they spilled 3 times. Lucky the fall was onto grass, and we didn’t have to worry about broken bones. It was just so funny.
And, most important, it was fun for the children to have a day like this with the whole church/school family. It brings us closer together in a different way than the usual “let’s run this school” and “attend church together on Sunday” sort of way.
Inspiring Story:
This is a National Geographic article on the back story behind the book “Gateway to Freedom” by Eric Foner.
The school program has me on a quest for Civil War era stories.
Inspiring Book: “The Worst Hard Time” by Timothy Egan
Our country has gone through many hard times.
And we think the current pandemic is hard.
Read part of the first page, and you’ll want to read the rest.

Punctuation, Authors, and Writing
Our totally useless word for the week.
Did you know vegetables had moods?
I didn’t either, but this author wrote the cutest children’s book about them.
More Inklings
Who knew this vegetable contained so much value beyond food?
Or that this one could be your easy go to and taste so good?
I used to know a mom who peeled all the apples her family ate. Yep. 6 boys and she peeled their apples for snacking. She didn’t know this about fruits and vegetables, I guess.
Maybe you’re in the mood to craft vegetables, because you can’t wait for your garden to grow.
The trouble is you can’t make Spring Vegetable soup with paper vegetables. Only one of the things I’ll never get to eat around my mother’s table again. I miss you mom! And your garden soup.
Inspiring Quote
And this quote for your scrapbook:
Thank you for sharing that easy new recipe! I am in love with it! Have a wonderful Sunday!