‘Ink Re-Cap 128 and Happy Inklings of the Best Life
‘Ink Re-Cap 128. Sharing sketches and scribbles and catching inklings of the best life. Plus a quote for your scrapbook or your fridge.
‘Ink Re-Cap 128 Sketches and Scribbles
If we drew a sketch of our week here on kimenink,
it would start out with whirling scribbles of intense activity,
then fade into a blue pond of relaxing creating.
Monday we painted Mother’s Day cards, cut 5 dresses for littles,
organized a menu for a Church Lady’s sewing day (which everyone loved! It was yum! They are a bunch of good cooks.)
and posted Please Be Seated: Rustic Bridal Shower Seating Solutions.
Tuesday we posted How to Make a Baby Bee Book Stack for Nursery Décor. (Soooo cute!)
This was the Church Lady’s sewing day, and I spent the day
helping Melanie prep the lunch everyone brought in, serving it, and then cleaning up.
note: Never wear the wrong shoes for a day of volunteering. By afternoon I was limping around barefoot, barely mobile.
note 2: It caused soft-hearted Mel to send me home early, so it was almost worth it.
note 3: But not till the dishes were done.
Wednesday, Kitchen day on the blog, brought What is Your Kitchen Décor Style: Trend or Fad?
The answers might surprise you…
The rest of our week was kid’s week:
Mom’s Gift: Classroom DIY Students Will Love to Make
God Created the Light Activities for My Creation Book

An Afternoon to Forget
Kim had an appointment at the lab this afternoon, for blood work. She planned to go by herself, but then discovered she had to fast for 8 hours. So she thought she’d be too hungry to drive. It was the fastest walk-in appointment we’ve had in years, so she was all dressed up and still had energy to go places. I chose home, and she went shopping.
Just before she got home Mr. kimenink almost had a heart attack. He was washing his truck when he heard a loud impact, like car to car, from down the street. Then sirens. He wanted to run over to make sure it wasn’t Kim. Thankfully, it wasn’t. But he was still sorta shook at dinner. I hope it wasn’t a tragic accident. But we’ll never know, because our city doesn’t post details like that, unless they’re major bad. Like a wrong way driver last Saturday who hit another car, and both vehicles immediately erupted in flames. So sad.
Most read posts this week:
Easy Handmade Seed Paper for a Mother’s Day Card
How to: Upcycled Accent Table into Giant Wall Clock

New Products in our Shop
Watercolor Peony Bridal Shower Invitation
Twig Bouquet Bridal Shower Invitation

Top Seller This Week Offline

Catching Inklings of the Best Life
Do you enjoy acapella singing? I find it so relaxing after a day like serving lunch to Church Ladies.
End of school is nearing. We have two graduates from 8th Grade at our little Church School this spring. Neither one of them has to face anything like this courageous girl.
We offered to help find inspiration for these two grad’s party. Their colors are dark teal and gold. They ordered these for the centerpieces, which will hold balls of baby’s breath.
With end of school comes field trip time. Yesterday, my grand-littles went here, and loved it. “But we had to wear masks even outside, Gramma!” At least it was a coolish day for them.
My littles tend to get car sick on long trips (although hopefully not on a field trip), so I sympathize with this mom and rejoice with her amazing story.
Aged hens and a puppy named Freda
A random funny (sort of) story. My son is beyond practical. The littles got a puppy, name of Freda. They want to eventually graze chickens on their little cottage farm. So when his friend’s chickens aged out, my son took them. To train the puppy to leave chickens alone. Because these aged hens were disposable and it wouldn’t matter as much if untrained Freda went on the attack. (Will the right-to-lifers come after me for saying that so callously?) (In one sense, it’s not humane, but these poor hens were going out either way. This way they got “pastured” with a chance to live a long life.) So far, Freda hasn’t been interested in chicken soup. Thankfully.
We ordered this to give us more sweet options for cards. Can hardly wait to try it.
We want to try this recipe the littles will love.
And this quote for your scrapbook: