‘Ink Re-cap 118 and Inspiring Inklings for the Weekend
‘Ink Re-cap 118
of the first week of February, the month of love.
Plus inspiring inklings for your weekend
to encourage and uplift in a world that needs more love.
At Kim & Ink we call February the month of love.
Our challenge to ourselves is to mail a Valentine or Friendship card
to someone every work day this month.
You are welcome to send us names and addresses
of people you think need some TLC.
One of our special people this month is Aunt Joan,
my mom’s youngest sister. She turns 80!
Happy Birthday, Aunt Joan!!
Ink Re-Cap 118
And we like to encourage you all to use your imaginations
when you plan parties and organize your homes.
If you’ve never created a Mood Board
here’s your chance to try a couple of different ways (and apps)
to get you started on party planning.
A Bridal Shower in our post.
You likely never thought, pre-baby, that choosing a Diaper Bag
was worthy of research and major decision making.
Well, it is, and we’re helping you ask the right questions
because that bag will be your best accessory for the first couple of parenting years.
Kimenink does stickers, and we do Recipe Albums.
And we do stickers to match the recipe albums
so that you can have the Best Kitchen Storage
Our grand-littles love our little wooden table and chairs set.
So many cards have been glued
and pictures colored
on that worn old set that needed some love.
So this week, one of the chairs got a New Coat of Leopard Skin.
With some glitz, because it’s for girls.
Besides coloring and gluing, our grand-littles love stories.
This week we wrote them a Bible story about Samson,
a boy who grew up to be a super strong man.
But only if he kept his secret. Could he keep the secret?
Inspiring Inklings for Your Weekend
Our Inspiring Blogger pick this week is The Flowering Farmhouse.
We love flowers, although these days we paint them more than grow them.
So seeing her posts are like time travel back to my mother’s flower gardens.

Our late pastor used to quote from “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe” and “The Screwtape Letters.”
I appreciated the wisdom, and always planned to read the books.
But only now have I finally ordered my first C. S. Lewis, our Inspiring Author pick for the week.
and don’t plan to stop until I’ve read (heard) all “The Chronicles of Narnia.”
One day last week I talked to someone in NYC, the day after the snow storm shut down the streets. Then I saw this amazing article in my inbox, which must have been happening about the same time!
On V-Day, we want to play this game with our littles.
We love this home. Partly because of it’s location, a favorite destination.
This tool is on my Inspiring To Buy List.
And our Inspiring Quote for the week: