Believe That Every Tomorrow Is A Very Important Day
Tomorrow is a Very Important Day.
Believing in the future supplies the courage
that is key to creating upward movement in every moment.
Tomorrow is a Very Important Day.
Four years ago, a son was born to our youngest son. Tomorrow is an important day because it is an anniversary of the day he came into this world.
Isn’t it amazing what God can accomplish?
In four short years, this baby has become a boy who asks for a “horse and chariot” for his birthday. Then he says he wants a bike. And to grandma, he says he wants a kite, that he can “tape together and fly away, high in the sky.”
His understanding is pitch perfect.
His dreams involve flight, upward movement, but he knows that he’ll have to do some “taping together” to make those things happen.
He knows that in life, you can fly, but you have to really, really want to.
In four short years, this baby has become a boy who thinks. When Grandma hears his husky voice on the phone, and a smothered cough, she asks, “How are you?” And the boy says, “I don’t know.” So honest. He has heard his mother tell Grandma that in the morning he had a fever and was coughing a lot, but now he is singing, so she thinks he feels better. And the boy? He doesn’t know. He believes his mother, because she is his greatest source of knowledge. But, how does a young child judge “better?” How does he know the difference between a lot sick and a little bit sick? To him, better is singing the whole song without having to stop to cough and catch his breath. So, he thinks about it, and he answers honestly. He doesn’t know how he feels, but his trust in his source of knowledge gives him courage.

Another Important Tomorrow
One week and one day ago, my friend was admitted to ICU with a serious infection and toxins invading her bloodstream. She was pale and weak and struggling.
All week she took test after test, swallowed her medicine like a soldier, and warrior-ed on.
By the end of the week, she felt as if she was losing the battle. She was not gaining the upward movement in her health that she had expected.
Her husband sent a message to the Church family. “Please pray for us. Pray for her health to show some change for the better, and for her to feel courage.”
On Sunday, we got this message. “The blood count is better. My fever is gone. I had the best night since I’ve been here. Thank you for the prayers.”
Tomorrow, she will get to go home, because the doctor said two days without fever and a certain number on the blood count is her exit ticket. Tomorrow is her very important day.
My friend felt discouraged, but she knew the Source of her strength. And she knew the prayers of others who believed in that Source could accomplish what she alone could not.

Believe every tomorrow is important.
Tomorrow is the most important thing in life
John Wayne
Comes into us at midnight very clean.
It’s perfect when it arrives and puts itself in our hands.
It hopes we’ve learned something from yesterday.
Every tomorrow is a Very Important Day to believe in. If we don’t believe in tomorrow we’re missing the key to hope and courage.
How do we find the strength to get up in the morning if courage is gone?
We won’t want to crack open the door on another day if we can’t hope that it will be better, or at least as good, as today.
Taping a kite together to fly high will be out of the question if we don’t believe it can rise with the wind.
And the wind underneath the soaring is God. Only and always God.

Perhaps you’re thinking we are not promised a Tomorrow.
However, it’s very important to believe in better tomorrows to help us get through difficult todays.
No matter how overwhelming today seems, tomorrow should always feel like a fresh start.
So, onward and upward, friends! Close today, planning to soar tomorrow…