make nicu bonding lovies

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  1. Dawn Clark says:

    We are expecting twin grandsons. Our daughter-in-law is Mom-to-be and currently 32 weeks. Each day is a day closer to full term. Plan is induction on March 13th if the boys do not arrive sooner. As this pregnancy is high risk, NICU is a high probability. I enjoy sewing and this project will help both parents and both boys. Cannot wait to get these hearts made. Thank you

    1. Awww! So happy for your family! The little family is blessed to have you to care for them.

  2. DeeAnn Ruffing-Kent says:

    Where do I send the completed hearts for the babies? We live in a rural area so no NICU hospitals around. My sorority would like to make these, but need a place to ship them to.
    DeeAnn Ruffing-Kent

    1. Ah, such amazing people in our world! Currently, there is no list of hospitals needing the bonding lovies. The best course of action would be to call a hospital your community uses when they need a NICU and offer your gifts of love.

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