“Love” Watercolor Heart Card – Easy Beginner DIY
“The first time you fall in love it changes you forever…” Nicholas Sparks.
Paint our easy heart “love” watercolor card for the one who changed you!
Just in case you forgot,
which I’m almost positive you haven’t,
I want to remind you of those days in elementary school when you went off into a daze…
and drew crayon hearts and wrote random names plus yours (the only math that was truly fun) and knew…
just knew…
that Bates would be your last name someday, because Tommy punched your arm in the hall and said, “Get lost!”
You knew, because that’s how the boys acted when they really liked someone.
That was then…
and then, one day, you grew up, and it happened.
You fell in love.
And you knew,
that things would never be the same, ever again.
The first time you fall in love,
Nicholas sparks
it changes you forever
and no matter how hard you try
that feeling just never goes away.
The feeling of belonging when you gazed into beautiful blue eyes… the bond that sparked between two hands clasped tightly… the secure feeling in your heart that this was your special gift from God.
And it never goes away. True Love.

To celebrate that heart love,
to put the promise on paper,
we designed this Love Watercolor Heart Card DIY. (Although you can buy it painted by us in our stationery shop.)
Don’t wait for Valentine’s Day. This card is blank inside, to write any message, for any occasion. Such as his birthday or your anniversary.
How to Paint our “Love” Watercolor Heart Card
Follow these easy directions to success. Then find more tutorials like our Fall Tree Painting or get brave and make your own invitations.
1. Watercolor Paper
There are two types of watercolor paper, hot press and cold press. I have not tried hot press, but they say it is easier for beginners to use cold press. Cold press doesn’t absorb the paint as fast, and although you don’t work watercolors the way you do oil or acrylic paints, this is still a good thing for a beginner. Which I most definitely am with watercolors. Although I’ve clocked my 10,000 hours with other types of paint, I am no watercolor Outlier .

2. Brushes
I only have one dedicated watercolor brush so far, and it is a generic round brush in about a size 6. I want to go shopping for brushes, and I’ve narrowed it down to three absolute necessities: A flat brush for washes, and two rounds, size 4 and size 0.
You want to buy the most expensive brushes you can afford. Mine won’t be the best, but the more expensive they are, the better they do their job. If it’s like other paint mediums, the better the brush, the less work you have to do to get a good outcome. The better brushes practically do it for you!
For this heart, with the splashes and washes, the brush really doesn’t have to be that good. I could, in fact, use any old brushes I have around, keeping in mind that the edge of the heart needs to be somewhat contained.

3. Watercolor Paints
I started out with watercolor pencils, because you can put the color down where you need it, and the amount of water you add controls the bleed. It’s all about control.
Not in watercolor. I’m so used to other mediums, acrylic and oils, that I’ve trained myself to think control. But with watercolor paint, you let the water do the blending. I find myself holding my breath and barely dipping the tip of the brush. Real artists splash water on the paper (is what it looks like!) then drip color in, and voila!, they have a rose. I’m so not there yet. But I’m looking forward to getting there.
So for this heart, I started with watercolor pencil, filled the rest with paintbox watercolors. Yes, just the cheapest kid’s watercolor palette! When I studied up on the type of paints to use, the pros advised starting out with cheap paints. I’m still at that stage.

4. Painting the Heart
As you can see, the edges are not sharp and distinct. I like the little happy-accident washing on the edges. But you don’t want too much.
If you don’t trust yourself outlining a heart without any guides, use a watercolor pencil and trace a stencil or heart shaped cookie cutter.
Wet your clean brush with water, not sopping, but enough to give the inside of the heart-shape a coat of wet. Dip the tip of your brush into color, not too much, and just hold the very tip onto the wet paper. Watch the color spread. This part is the most fun ever. If you have more than one color of red, use them. Otherwise, let the heart dry partially, and add wet paint at some spots to darken and get the tie-dye look.
Let the heart dry completely, then splatter paint over the top with a wet brush. Not dripping wet, but wet enough. (Um, you may want to practice on a scrap paper first! Just saying.)

Your Love Watercolor Heart Card is done!
So easy, right? (You’ll probably want a go at this floral watercolor card.)
Just like finding true love.
Oh, I know. You think it will never happen, and so often you wonder, “Is this the one?” and then it all goes away, and life goes on. You ask God if there is anyone in the universe that is right for you,
and then…
it happens. And it was so easy, after all. You didn’t really have to worry and wonder and get anxious, because God had your back all the time. The best plans for you, at the best time.
Save this Love Card DIY for later
if you can’t make it now.

Tell us how the painting goes.
Or tell us about the time you fell in love…