God Has Your Back: He Vanquishes Fear
God has your back. He vanquishes fear.
He fights your battles and neutralizes your inner enemies.
The promise is there in the Bible, again and again.
Fear is a monster
that can take over your whole life
and create chaos and apathy and hopelessness and
an utter inability to make sense of the purpose of your presence on the planet.
God has your back.
If fear is crippling you,
remember God is in the background,
preparing someone’s heart to comfort you
when you need someone with skin.
The enemy of our souls doesn’t have a chance in the fight
because God is fighting our battles.
Behind the scenes, sometimes.
“Ye shall not fear them:
for the Lord your God
he shall fight for you.”
Deuteronomy 3:22
When God Proved He Had Her Back
Rosemary placed the last dish on the table, then sat with her family, who waited for the meal to begin.
Slowly she looked all around, noting each beloved face.
Her husband. Check.
Oldest daughter. Quietly there.
Oldest son. In his place.
Second son. There with a soft smile.
So, why did it feel as if someone was missing? Everyone was there. Her little family were gathered around, beginning to look questioningly into her face. Why didn’t they start eating?
Rosemary bowed her head with the rest, and her husband blessed the food and thanked God for keeping them all safe throughout the day. At work, at school, and in her case, at home.
“Yes,” she thought, “our family is truly blessed. But why do I feel as if someone is missing?”
Later, when the meal was cleaned up and she helped the kids take turns in the tub, the phone rang.
“It’s probably my niece,” Rosemary thought as her husband answered the phone.
Sure enough. “It’s for you, hon.”
Rosemary took the receiver and said, “Hi, Krissy. What’s up?” Her 15 year old niece called often. Rosemary expected it, and loved it. She didn’t mind that every phone call was a long revelation of teenage troubles. If Krissy’s mother couldn’t open her heart to her daughter, Rosemary was glad to stand in the gap. Besides, Krissy’s relationship with her parents was the main cause of her troubles, so she needed someone to be there for her.
Time passed.
Rosemary still felt someone was missing around their table. Then a thought stole into her heart. Was God asking her to “mother” Krissy? Should they offer Krissy a place to live, to be part of a real family? Give her a chance to see how a Christian home should operate, instead of struggling every day in a dysfunctional home?
Rosemary discussed it with her husband and together they prayed about it. Krissy kept calling and her frustration was escalating. One evening Rosemary said, “Krissy, why don’t you come live with us?” The phone line was silent. Then Rosemary heard sobs. “Could I, Auntie? I would love that!”
Excitedly plans were finalized, Krissy’s parents okayed it, and finally, Krissy showed up at their door. To stay.
To become part of a happy family. And get the chance to release the constant pressure and learn to relax. The chance to live without the threat of a daily crisis.
Rosemary’s gazes around the table changed now. She never felt as if someone was missing anymore. Everyone who was supposed to be there was present. And to this day, Krissy is their daughter, in every way but legal adoption.
Today, the girl’s heart is full and running over
because God has her back. He fought her battles for her
and prepared someone to help her conquer her fears.