Gather Together and Celebrate The Many Blessings of Fall
A curated list of our favorite craft and decor items for home ambiance
as we gather together and celebrate the blessings of Fall.
Gather Together: Our Fall Celebration Collection
Every blog worth its place on the internet has its own special way of welcoming Fall.
And so,
although our part of the Sonoran Desert in Arizona doesn’t show off that much physical evidence that fall is here – the temperatures change only one slow degree at a time and the colors seem to just get brown and browner with some lovely yellow cottonwoods to save the day – we still celebrate fall.
And gather the Best and Coziest Fall Necessities for our home…
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1. Gathering Fall Nature to bring Home
Having just returned from the midwest to see family, I brought as many fallen chestnuts as I could pack into my carry-on. No, the x ray scanner didn’t like the lumpy zip bags and had to do a close scrutiny of the situation. And then offended my chestnuts by calling them acorns.
But that’s okay.
Because they let me bring the “acorns” home to scatter along my dining table’s fall centerpiece.
And then there’s this…

My DIL got out her paints one morning and scrounged the garage and outbuildings and found this lovely rustic piece of wood. I left the sign with her, but I have the chestnuts!
The best part of that morning is the memory of my three year old grandson painting his own piece of grungy wood. All in a bright, bright red. Of course he got done long before we did, and was off doing what little boys do while grammas and mommies paint.
2. Essential Oil Diffuser with Autumn Scent Recipes
This has become a part of my fall repertoire in the last few years.
There’s candles… and candle warmers…
and then there’s essential oils…
and essential essential oil diffusers to fill your home with the scents and healthy benefits of the oils.
Read here about essential oils and how to diffuse them correctly.
Choose oil blends for your needs. There are lovely autumn scent recipes or blends to help with colds and sniffles. Or anxiety.

3. Pillows and Cozy Throws
As I wandered innocently down the aisles of one of my favorite stores,
I saw many displays of cozy throws and snuggly pillows, all ready for fall.
I just knew that my vintage ladder was there at home longing for a fall colored throw hung over its rustic rungs.
How to decide between all the lovely options? This luxurious throw or maybe a caramel colored cable throw?

4. Hot Buttered Popcorn Machine
Who doesn’t agree that popcorn spilling into the bottom of a “real” popcorn machine is one of the ultimate fall experiences?
The smell.
The taste.
Filling a bag with buttery morsels that grease through the paper in no time and coat your fingers with a tasty salty lotion.
And my little granddaughters agree. They sat on the kitchen counter, noses practically pressed to the plastic sides, eagerly watching my latest kitchen gadget bought just for them and said, “Dance, Grandma. You have to dance when it starts popping!”
They didn’t want to be organ grinder monkeys, but they wanted me to be. Go figure.

How do I stop counting the ways to celebrate Fall?
Do you have some to share?
What are your favorite fall things to do with family
or to gather into your home?

Read more Inspirational Essays.